How to Draw a Cockroach
I invite you to a lesson in which you will learn how to draw a cockroach. This lesson will be useful for all beginners.

Here is a simple instruction with which you will learn how to draw a cockroach step by step. There are many types of cockroaches in the world. These small insects are very unpleasant and dangerous to humans, as they carry many diseases.
Cockroaches are nocturnal, and during the day they hide in their shelters. Cockroaches love moisture and warmth, so in residential and industrial premises, the most favorite places for cockroaches are kitchens and bathrooms.
Cockroaches have an elongated belly, a small head, six legs and long whiskers. You see all these elements in the picture, and now you have to draw them. Carefully follow each drawing step, try to carefully draw all the lines that are marked in red.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Cockroach
- Draw the belly.
Depict an oval-shaped belly with a smooth curved line.
- Depict the head.
In the upper part of the belly, add a small element of a triangular shape.
- Sketch out the mustache.
Make two straight lines directed in different directions.
- Add from the first pair of paws.
In the upper part of the belly draw the paws, which consist of several elements.
- Draw the second pair of paws.
Repeat the previous step and just below draw two paws of the same shape.
- Depict the rest of the paws.
At the bottom, add two more large, long paws.
- Color the cockroach.
For coloring, choose any shades of brown.
Traditionally, for your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file in which you will find a brief instruction and additional training materials. This will help you effectively complete the lesson at any convenient time, even if there is no Internet access.