How to Draw a Honeycomb
In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a honeycomb. You will like this guide because it is very easy and consists of only nine steps.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a honeycomb. These are small cells that bees and wasps make. Honeycombs are needed to store honey and food supplies or to lay eggs.
Honeycomb is composed of wax and has an amazing structure. The honeycombs are arranged in even rows and are divided into identical cells. Each cell is a regular hexagon.
In this tutorial, you will draw some small cells. It will not be difficult, because the lesson is adapted for novice artists, but you will need to be able to make straight lines. All cells have the same structure and size, so you just need to draw one cell and you will draw others according to the same principle.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 15 minutes
How to Draw a Honeycomb
- Depict the first cell.
To do this, draw a regular hexagon.
- Add the second cell.
Sketch out a few more straight lines to make the same hexagon.
- Draw the third cell.
Repeat your action in the previous step and draw the cell on the other side.
- Sketch out the fourth cell.
Add three straight lines at the bottom as shown in the example.
- Depict the fifth cell.
Draw four straight lines to the side, and you get the fifth cell.
- Add the sixth cell.
Repeat the previous step on the other side.
- Draw the seventh cell.
Depict the last cell by adding three straight lines at the bottom.
- Sketch out the inner outline of the cells.
In this step, draw a small hexagon in each cell.
- Color the drawing.
Use beige for the inside and yellow for the outline. Add white highlights in each cell.
Now you have learned how to draw honeycomb. If something didn’t work out the first time, then try again. With a little practice, you will notice that you will become much better at drawing. Be sure to download the PDF for the short version of this tutorial.