How to Draw a Killer Whale
In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to draw a killer whale in just nine very easy steps. Start this lesson and get useful skills!

Another interesting lesson awaits you, in which I will show you how to draw a killer whale. The killer whale is considered the largest representative of its family and is the only predator among cetaceans.
Killer whales have large body sizes. The killer whale differs from all other dolphins in its black and white color. On the surface of the body of this animal there are black spots of various shapes. These spots are so individual that you can even distinguish individual killer whales from them.
The killer whale is distributed almost throughout the World Ocean and can swim both in coastal waters and in open water.
After you have learned a few interesting facts about the killer whale, you will be interested in drawing this cunning and intelligent predator. It is very easy to do this. This step-by-step guide, which is designed specifically for beginner artists, will help you.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Killer Whale
- Draw the upper outline of the body.
Depict a smooth curved line of the same shape as in the example.
- Add the lower outline of the body.
Draw a smooth line to the top line and leave a small free gap for drawing the tail.
- Sketch out the tail.
At the end of the torso, with a smooth line, depict the tail that is raised up.
- Draw the dorsal fin.
In the middle of the upper outline, depict the fin using a smooth rounded line.
- Add the bottom fins.
Depict two fins at the bottom of the torso.
- Sketch out an eye and the mouth.
Draw a small oval and draw a wavy line to depict the mouth.
- Depict spots on the killer whale’s body.
Draw a line from the mouth to the lower fin, add the spot on the belly and on the side of the eye.
- Correct inaccuracies.
At this stage, remove extra lines.
- Color the killer whale.
Use black or dark gray to color in the spots.
For your convenience, a short PDF version of this manual has been prepared. Download the file and complete the drawing lesson at any time, even if you don’t have Internet access.