How to Draw a Pilgrim
In this lesson you will be able to learn how to draw a Pilgrim in nine easy steps. This instruction will be very simple and useful for you.

So, I am glad to bring to your attention this wonderful drawing lesson in which I will tell and show you how to draw a pilgrim step by step. Completing this drawing lesson will help you practice drawing people.
The pilgrim that you will draw with the help of this instruction is depicted in a cartoon style. This drawing lesson was created specifically for beginner artists and children, so each of you can easily cope with it.
Please note that when performing this drawing lesson, you need to adhere to the rules of symmetry, that is, the right side of your drawing should look like a mirror image of the left side. You can easily complete this lesson if you can draw circles and smooth curved lines.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Pilgrim
- Draw the outline of the face and ears.
To complete this step, draw one large arc and also add two small arcs on the sides of it.
- Add the features of the Pilgrim.
Next to the drawn arcs, depict the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth of the Pilgrim.
- Depict the outline of the hairstyle, as well as the Pilgrim’s collar.
Above the previously drawn ears, add short, curved lines, and draw the collar below the head.
- Sketch out the Pilgrim’s hat.
At the top of the head draw the brim hat using straight lines, arcs and rounded rectangles.
- Add the outline of the costume and arms.
Below the collar, draw the top of the suit and arms using circles, straight lines, and curved lines.
- Draw the top of the Pilgrim’s legs.
Add the lower part of the suit using curved lines, and the legs using straight lines and arcs.
- Finish drawing the hands.
Depict symmetrical hands using arcs of large and small sizes, as shown in the figure.
- Sketch out the Pilgrim’s shoes.
To complete the drawing of the legs, depict the shoes using straight and curved lines.
- Color the drawing.
To color the Pilgrim, use beige, yellow, orange, black, and shades of gray.
I remind you that you can download the PDF file that I have prepared especially for your convenience. This file contains a short version of this lesson and has additional useful training materials. Download this file so as not to lose it and return to this lesson at any time convenient for you.