How to Draw a Beard
In this drawing lesson, I want to show you in detail how to draw a beard. I promise that this guide will be easy and interesting.

Young artists, I suggest you complete another exciting lesson in which you will learn how to draw a beard step by step. Many men love to have a beard. This gives a special charm and emphasizes individuality.
The beard can have a different shape, and you can draw it in different ways. In this picture, you see a medium length beard. Here the beard and mustache are connected and represent one object. This form of beard is very common.
This tutorial presents a very easy way to quickly draw a beard. To achieve the best result, your ability to draw smooth curved lines and maintain symmetry will be required.
You can use the acquired skills in the future when you want to draw a person’s face in full. For coloring the beard, you can choose any natural shade.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Beard
- Draw the top outline.
Depict a smooth curved line of the same shape as shown in the figure.
- Add the inner contour of the beard and mustache.
Sketch out a small round shape in the center of your drawing.
- Depict one side of the beard.
On the left side, draw a wide rounded line.
- Sketch out the other side of the beard,
Repeat the previous step and draw the same line on the right side.
- Detail the beard.
On the surface of the beard, draw thin strokes to depict individual hairs.
- Color the beard.
Choose any colors for your drawing.
I have previously created a short version of the lesson in the form of a PDF file. Be sure to save this file so that you can return to the lesson at any time, even if there is no Internet access.