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How to Draw a Cute Cat

In this drawing lesson I will tell you how to draw a cute cat. This tutorial will be very enjoyable for you!

So, if you like drawing animals, then you will definitely like this great lesson on how to draw a cute cat step by step. This drawing lesson consists of nine clear and easy-to-follow steps.

In this tutorial, the cat is depicted in cartoon style, so the technique of drawing it will be different from drawing a realistic cat. You will get a very cute and beautiful finished drawing.

Use flowing lines to depict this funny drawing. Follow my instructions carefully and enjoy the process of drawing!


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Cute Cat

  1. Draw the outline of the cute cat’s torso.

    Depict this element as a figure similar to a curved oval using a curved line.how to draw a cute cat step by step

  2. Start drawing the facial features.

    Outline the eyes of the cute cat as two ovals, and its nose as a triangle.how to draw a cute cat easy

  3. Depict the other facial features.

    Add four short straight lines near the eyes of the cute cat and two curved lines near its mouth.how to draw a cute cat easy for kids

  4. Draw one pair of paws of a cute cat.

    Depict two arcs to represent the outline of the paws and add short lines to depict the toes.how to draw a cute cat easy step by step

  5. Add the cat’s ears.

    At the top of the cute cat’s body, you drew, add two similar curved lines to add the pointed ears.how to draw a cute cat for kids easy

  6. Depict the inner outline of the ears.

    Add curved lines inside each cute cat’s ear to depict their inner outline.a cute cat drawing guide

  7. Picture the cute cat’s tail.

    At the back of the body add two arches of different sizes and connect them with a curved line.a cute cat drawing tutorial

  8. Erase unnecessary lines.

    Use an eraser to remove auxiliary lines that appeared during the drawing process.easy way to draw a cute cat

  9. Color the drawing.

    To color the cute cat, use light gray, black, and light pink. Add highlights to the eyes.how to draw a cute cat step by step easy

This lesson has come to an end and I hope you have enjoyed it and found it useful. Write your feedback about this lesson in the comments and suggest ideas for new lessons. I want to offer you a simple and shortened version of this guide in PDF format. Download this file and complete the lesson at any convenient time.

How to Draw a Cute Cat: Additional Method

The cat is presented in a cartoon style, so it does not look realistic, but it is very funny. The cat has a large head, a small body, and short legs. Try to keep these proportions in your drawing. Take your time, carefully draw all the elements and you will get a great drawing.

cute cat drawing guide

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