How to Draw a Pizza Pie
I have prepared for you a very simple step-by-step guide on how to draw a pizza pie. Start this tutorial and learn useful skills.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a pizza pie step by step. I think every one of you loves pizza pie. And now you will learn how to draw this delicious dish with my simple instructions.
You probably know that pizza is a thin crust of yeast dough with baked toppings on it. This dish is considered the national Italian dish. Pizza toppings can be varied. Pizza is a world-famous dish.
If you want to learn how to draw this tasty dish, then prepare your drawing materials and begin the step-by-step pizza pie drawing.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw a Pizza Pie
- Draw the bottom of the pizza pie.
To do this simple step you need to draw just one straight line.
- Add another edge to the pizza pie.
Draw a straight line connecting one end to the end of the previously drawn line.
- Picture the top of the pizza pie.
To do this, connect the two ends of the previously drawn lines with one curved line.
- Add a pizza pie edge.
Draw short curved lines on the sides and one long curved line below the previously drawn line.
- Start drawing the topping.
Outline one circle and two incomplete circles on the surface of the pizza pie.
- Depict the greens.
Draw four small freeform shapes on a pizza pie using curved lines.
- Add the mushrooms.
Draw three slices of mushroom on the surface of the pizza using curved lines.
- Erase the auxiliary lines.
Use an eraser to remove unnecessary lines from the drawing.
- Color in the drawing.
Use burgundy, green, grey, and shades of brown to color the pizza pie you have drawn.
This excellent drawing lesson on beautiful and tasty pizza pie has come to an end. I hope you have a great drawing. I suggest you download a PDF file with a short version of this lesson as well as some interesting additions. By downloading this file, you won’t lose this tutorial and can return to it whenever you like, even without the internet.