How to Draw an Owl Face
I have prepared another interesting lesson for you on how to draw an owl face. I’m sure you will find this lesson enjoyable and useful for you!

In this drawing tutorial, I would like to tell you and show you how to draw an owl face step by step. The finished owl drawing will turn out very cute and pretty. Don’t worry if you don’t have much drawing experience yet, because I’ve made this tutorial simple enough for beginners artists to handle it easily.
Owl is any member of a homogeneous order of primarily nocturnal raptors found nearly worldwide. I think you have seen these birds more than once in various films, cartoons, books, or TV programs.
I think you are already looking forward to drawing this beautiful bird. Then get ready with the materials you’ll need to draw the owl and start drawing with these easy-to-follow instructions!
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw an Owl Face
- Draw the outline of the owl’s head.
I think this will be easy for you to do, all you have to draw is an oval.
- Depict the owl’s beak.
You can draw this figure a bit like a rhombus with rounded corners.
- Outline the owl’s eyes.
To complete this step, you need to draw two identical circles.
- Add the inside of the eyes.
To do this, draw slightly smaller circles inside the circles you drew earlier.
- Outline rounded shapes around the eyes.
Draw a figure that looks like two incomplete circles joined together.
- Draw the crests on the owl’s head.
Add pointed elements at the top of the owl’s head, using curved lines.
- Erase the auxiliary lines.
Use an eraser to remove unnecessary lines from the drawing.
- Color in the drawing.
Use black, yellow and shades of brown to color the owl you have drawn.
This exciting drawing lesson on how to draw an owl has come to an end. I’d be pleased if you could leave your feedback in the comments on whether you enjoyed this lesson. I have prepared a short PDF version of this drawing tutorial. Download this file and return to this step-by-step tutorial anytime, even if you are not connected to the Internet.