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How to Draw Fabric

Today you will learn how to draw fabric in just nine easy steps. With this lesson, you will gain useful skills.

how to draw fabric realistic
how to draw fabric step by step

In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw fabric. This lesson will be very useful for you because the ability to draw fabric correctly is very important. Such skills can come in handy when you draw folds of clothes, curtains, curtains, or other decorative elements.

You can easily draw the outline of the fabric and folds. Moreover, arbitrary lines are allowed here. But pay special attention to shadows and highlights. It is the shadows that will make your drawing more realistic. The fabric is darker in those places where there are folds and indentations, and the convex parts are lighter. You must depict this in your drawing. To do this, choose several shades of different color intensities. Try to make a smooth transition between colors, then your drawing will look more realistic.

You can color the fabric in the same color as in the example, or you can choose any other color of your choice while using several shades to highlight the lighter and darker parts of the fabric.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw Fabric

  1. Draw the right edge of the fabric.

    Sketch out a freeform vertical line.how to draw fabric textures

  2. Add the curve.

    Depict another vertical line that blends into the bottom edge.how to draw fabric folds

  3. Depict the left edge.

    At this stage, draw a freeform line.how to draw fabric easy

  4. Draw the curve in the middle of the fabric.

    To do this, sketch out a smooth curved line.how to draw a fabric design

  5. Add the top and bottom elements.

    With smooth lines, draw the outline of the fabric at the bottom and top.how to draw a fabric art

  6. Add details.

    Draw two smooth lines in the center to make the large fold.how to draw cotton fabric

  7. Add the outline of the vertical fold.

    Depict a smooth line on the right side, as shown in the example.how to draw fashion fabric

  8. Draw the last fold.

    Add a vertical line on the left side of the fabric.how to draw fabric with pencil

  9. Color the drawing.

    Use several shades of blue.how to draw fabric realistic

Download the PDF file, which contains a short version of the lesson and additional useful tools. This may come in handy when you want to return to this lesson.

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