How to Draw Timmy Turner
In this drawing lesson, you will learn how to draw Timmy Turner. This step-by-step instruction consists of nine simple and interesting steps.

I have prepared for you this wonderful and very useful drawing lesson, with which you can learn how to draw Timmy Turner step by step. Surely each of you knows this popular and funny character. In this lesson, you will practice drawing the character’s facial features, as well as geometric shapes such as circles, rectangles, arcs, and straight lines. This lesson will definitely help you improve your artistic skills and learn how to draw better and more varied drawings.
Timmy Turner is a ten-year-old boy who is the main character of the animated series The Faerie Patrons, along with his fairy godmothers, Cosmo and Wanda. Timmy wears a lilac-pink hat that matches his shirt, along with blue pants and boots. He has brown hair, blue eyes and large front teeth. He, like his friends Chester and AJ, is considered unpopular at school. Throughout the series, Timmy is defined as proud, selfish, and arrogant. However, he makes up for this by being extremely witty and intelligent. He is also truly brave and heroic, showing great care and love. Unlike his friends, who are quite comfortable being unpopular, Timmy is desperate to be cool in the hope that he will win the attention of the pretty girl Trixie.
After you learn how to draw Timmy Turner with the help of this instruction, you will be able to draw any episode from the cartoon with the participation of this character. Prepare the art supplies you will need to draw Timmy Turner. Carefully follow these instructions, and then you will definitely like your drawing.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Timmy Turner
- Draw the bottom outline of the Timmy Turner’s head and ear.
To complete this step, draw one large arc, several curved lines, and an incomplete oval.
- Add the top of the character’s head and eyebrows.
Draw the eyebrows in the form of rectangles and add some straight lines of different lengths.
- Depict the character’s facial features.
Inside the head, draw two eyes as circles, add the nose and mouth using arcs and a line.
- Draw the teeth, the inside of the ear, and outline the character’s hair.
Depict a spiral shape inside the ear, add teeth and hair using arcs and straight lines.
- Sketch out the Timmy Turner’s headpiece.
Add the cap on the head using an arc, a circle and curved lines, as shown in the picture.
- Depict the upper outline of the character’s torso.
Below the head, draw the shoulders, the outlines of the sleeves, and one side of the T-shirt.
- Add the hands of the Timmy Turner.
On the sides of the torso, depict the arms using straight and curved lines of different lengths.
- Draw the outlines of the character’s legs.
Below the drawn torso, depict the legs pointing to one side, using arcs and straight lines.
- Color the drawing.
To color the Timmy Turner, use beige, blue, purple, and also brown.
I remind you that you can download the PDF file that I have prepared especially for your convenience. This file contains a short version of this lesson and has additional useful training materials. Download this file so as not to lose it and return to this lesson at any time convenient for you.