How to Draw a Circle Without a Compass
I invite all beginner artists to a new useful drawing lesson, in which I will show you how to draw a circle without a compass.

This lesson will be very useful for you and you will definitely use the acquired skills in your future drawings. So, with the help of a simple instruction, you will learn how to draw a circle without a compass.
This is a great object for drawing, and if you master this lesson, you can easily draw more complex objects. Very often, when drawing, it becomes necessary to draw an even circle, but drawing supplies are not always at hand.
This lesson presents a very simple way with which you can draw an even circle even without a compass. Here you have to draw several segments of the same length and then connect the ends of these segments with one line.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Circle Without a Compass
- Prepare the base.
Draw two straight lines that are crosswise.
- Make marks.
Measure segments from the point of intersection of the lines to the outer edges and make marks.
- Add the guidelines.
Depict two more lines in a cross pattern, just like you did in the previous steps.
- Draw the outline of the circle.
Carefully draw a smooth connecting line between the ends of the segments.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Take the eraser and carefully erase all the extra lines in your drawing.
- Color the drawing.
Now you can paint the circle in any color, for example light gray.
At the end of the lesson, I offer you to download a free PDF file that contains all the necessary information about the lesson. In this file you will find a brief instruction and additional training materials with which you can quickly and efficiently complete the lesson at any convenient time.
too hard