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How to Draw a Wolf

Stepping into the world of animal art, I’m excited to show you how to draw a wolf with a few simple steps that any beginner can follow. This lesson is designed to help you capture the essence of a wolf without the complexity often associated with drawing wildlife, making it perfect for young learners.

how to draw a wolf
how to draw a wolf step by step

How to Draw a Wolf: Basic Information

Setting out on this artistic path, my intention is to teach you how to draw a wolf that’s not just a figure on the page but a window into the world of wildlife illustration. With a few straightforward steps, this tutorial will guide you to craft an image that radiates the wolf’s iconic features in a stylized, kid-friendly form.

The wolf we’re drawing carries the essence of the wild in a whimsical package, with each step carefully designed to be kid-friendly. From the roundness of the head to the fluffiness of the tail, every detail adds to the character’s charm, making it a joy to create and behold.

As we reach the final touches, it will become clear that to draw a wolf is to blend imagination with the strokes of your pencil. This simple yet effective method is meant to inspire you to continue exploring your artistic talents, leaving you with a playful rendition of nature’s one of the most esteemed creatures.

Wolf Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 1 day and 30 minutes

How to Draw a Wolf

  1. Sketch the outlines of the head.

    Begin by drawing a large oval for the head and a smaller, somewhat flattened oval beneath it for the body. These basic shapes serve as the foundational structure for your wolf drawing, ensuring that the proportions are balanced from the start.
    drawing the outline of the wolf's head and body

  2. Draw the ears and torso.

    Inside the head oval, sketch two ovals for the eyes, placing them slightly towards the center to maintain a cute, cartoonish look. Directly below the eyes, in the lower part of the face, draw a small upside-down triangle for the nose.
    adding wolf facial features

  3. Sketch the wolf ears.

    At the top of the head, draw two triangular shapes for the ears. These should be pointy and slightly tilted outward to suggest an alert posture. The ear positioning and shape help convey the wolf’s attentive and wild nature
    sketching wolf ears

  4. Draw fur on the head.

    Outline the facial fur by adding jagged lines around the head, especially around the cheeks and on the forehead. A few patches of fur in this case are enough to create the feeling that the wolf is completely covered with fur. This will be enhanced by coloring in a few steps.
    drawing fur on the wolf's head

  5. Add the wolf’s front paws.

    Move to the body and sketch two curved lines descending from the front part of the body oval to create the front legs. These lines should be simple and slightly rounded at the ends where the paws will be. Due to the turn of the body and perspective, the front paw looks thicker, but the paw farthest from us is longer.
    adding the wolf's front paws

  6. Draw the hind legs.

    The back pair of legs also looks very simplified and cartoonish. However, even here the natural curves that you see in every real-life animal are preserved. Again, the limb closest to us looks larger. This difference in size helps create perspective and give realism to the entire drawing.
    drawing the wolf's hind legs

  7. Add the tail and fur on the wolf’s chest.

    On the left side of the body, sketch a bushy tail with a base starting wide and tapering off to a point. The tail should have a fluffy appearance, achieved by adding jagged lines along its edge, similar to the fur detailing on the face.
    Adding the tail and fur on the wolf's chest

  8. Correct the inaccuracies.

    Go back through your drawing, adding or refining details such as fur texture on the body, clearer delineation of the paws, or more defined facial features. So, erase the extra lines and start coloring this cute little wolf.
    correcting inaccuracies

  9. Color the wolf.

    Use shades of gray for the fur, with darker areas around the ears, paws, and tail tip to create a sense of volume. Soft pink can be used in the inner ears and nose to bring warmth to the face. Of course, don’t forget about the glare in the wolf’s eyes.how to draw a wolf the final result

Additional Content

In addition to our interactive session, I’ve crafted a succinct, downloadable PDF file to complement your learning. This file, available at no cost, ensures that you can continue to refine your drawing skills even when offline, bridging the gap between classroom and independent practice.

The PDF contains supplementary materials, not mere repetitions of our wolf drawing lesson, but curated exercises to enhance your technique once you’ve grasped the fundamentals. It’s designed to deepen your understanding and strengthen your artistic skill set through practice.

I invite you to use this resource as your next step in artistic development, a stepping stone to more advanced drawing. After mastering the lesson’s primary stage, the PDF will serve as your guide, offering challenges to help you grow from a learner to an artist in your own right.

Additional Techniques to Draw a Wolf

Alongside the foundational guide on how to draw a wolf, I have also assembled a selection of alternative drawing techniques. These are intended to diversify your practice, introducing you to various artistic interpretations from a regal alpha wolf stance to playful pup expressions. Practicing these will equip you with a broader set of skills to portray the diverse nature of wolves.

Each technique is designed to refine a specific aspect of your drawing, whether it be the texture of the wolf’s fur or the intensity of its gaze. As you explore these different styles, your artistic palette expands, enhancing not only your ability to draw wolves but also your overall artistic acumen.

By integrating these alternative techniques into your practice, you’ll notice a progression in your drawings. A once simple sketch will evolve into a more sophisticated representation of a wolf, imbuing your artwork with the depth and precision that come with advanced skill.

Simple Wolf Drawing Instruction

In this methode, I guide you through drawing a charming chibi-style wolf pup, a design that radiates whimsy and sweetness. Starting with basic shapes, the tutorial gently leads you into creating a round-faced, wide-eyed pup that’s sure to capture hearts. Each step is structured to be simple and enjoyable, perfect for beginners or young artists.

Focusing on the chibi characteristics, I emphasize the oversized head and the expressive eyes, which are signature to this endearing style. The method progresses smoothly, with each line adding to the wolf pup’s character, making sure that the final sketch is not only cute but also captures the playful essence of a young wolf.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a charming chibi wolf pup brought to life by your own hand. This method is more than a set of instructions; it’s a gateway to a world where every pencil stroke adds personality and joy to the paper, leaving you with a delightful creation and the satisfaction of learning something new.

simple wolf drawing tutorial

Realistic Wolf Drawing Instruction

This drawing method unfolds the majesty of a realistic wolf through a step-by-step approach, starting with the eyes, the window to the soul of the animal. The focus on detail grows as we move from the eyes to the snout and face, laying down the foundation for character and expression.

As the tutorial progresses, the wolf’s features take shape with precision. From the furrowed brow to the subtle tilt of the head, each step adds depth and realism. The outline of the wolf’s body follows, with careful attention to muscle structure and stance, presenting the wolf’s dignified poise and strength.

The final touches bring the creature to life, as texture and shading techniques are applied to the fur, giving it a lush, tactile appearance. The majestic stance is refined, conveying the wolf’s noble and untamed spirit, ready to leap off the page. This method teaches not only the anatomy but also captures the essence of the wild.

realistic wolf drawing tutorial

Drawing a wolf from the side

This easy tutorial guides young artists through the steps to draw a cartoon-style wolf in a side view, emphasizing proportions similar to a puppy. Beginning with a simple head outline, the tutorial progresses systematically, adding features such as ears, a fluffy mane, and a dynamic tail, culminating in a full side view of the wolf.

How to draw a wolf step by step


Well done on capturing the essence of the wilderness with your wolf drawing! If this experience has sparked your curiosity, I invite you to browse my website for more adventures in art. There, you’ll find a diverse array of lessons, including the intricate lines of a bridge or the bold contrasts on a zebra‘s coat, each designed to refine your skills.

To ensure you’re always updated with the latest from our artistic community, follow my social media profiles. New tutorials, tips, and artist highlights await you. And your voice matters – leave a comment with your wishes or ideas for upcoming lessons. Your suggestions help us tailor content that lights up your artistic spirit!

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