How to Draw a Saxophone
Today you will learn how to draw a saxophone in nine easy steps. This instruction is very simple and does not contain complex elements.

In this lesson you will learn how to draw a saxophone. I promise that this lesson will be very useful, interesting and exciting for you. You will definitely enjoy this lesson if you love music or are interested in the art of music.
Have you ever seen a saxophone or enjoyed someone playing this beautiful musical instrument. So, the saxophone is a wind musical instrument. This instrument is the main jazz instrument. There are different types of saxophones.
Having learned how to draw a saxophone, you can apply these skills when drawing musicians or musical groups, as well as any other drawings of similar subjects.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Saxophone
- Start drawing the bell of the saxophone.
This step will be simple, draw the top of the saxophone bell in the form of an oval.
- Add the bottom of the saxophone bell.
Below the previously drawn oval, depict a long, curved line.
- Depict the valves of the saxophone.
Opposite the previously drawn curved line, draw several short curved lines and three ovals.
- Add the top of the saxophone tube.
Continue the previously drawn short line with a long straight line and a semicircle at its end.
- Depict the rest of the saxophone tube.
Sketch out a straight line and add a rounded line at its end.
- Draw the mouthpiece.
Depict a small detail on the end of the saxophone tube.
- Add valves.
Depict seven large and two small ovals and a small curved line on the surface of the saxophone.
- Add details.
Draw the inside of the bell and tube.
- Color the drawing.
To color the saxophone, use yellow and black.
Traditionally, I have prepared a PDF file in which you can find a short version of this lesson, as well as additional materials that you may need when drawing a saxophone.