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How to Draw a Stop Sign

Learn how to draw a stop sign with this tutorial. You will like this step-by-step instruction, because this lesson is very useful and simple.

simple stop sign drawing
how to draw a stop sign step by step

With this step-by-step instruction, you will learn how to draw a stop sign and use the skills you have learned to draw any other road sign drawings. I promise that this lesson will not cause you any difficulties, because it is designed for beginners artists and children.

A stop sign is a road sign that indicates to drivers that they need to make a mandatory short stop before the edge of an intersecting carriageway. Every driver must be able to distinguish between road signs and be sure to know the designation and function of the stop sign.

To draw this subject, you need to be able to draw straight lines, as well as write outlines of letters. Prepare the materials you need to draw a stop sign and start using this step-by-step tutorial soon.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 15 minutes

How to Draw a Stop Sign

  1. Start drawing the outer outline of the sign.

    Draw the upper part of the outer outline of the sign using three identical straight lines.how to draw a stop sign easy

  2. Add the bottom part of the outer path.

    Below the previously drawn three straight lines, add five more of the same straight lines.how to draw a simple stop sign

  3. Start drawing the inner outline of the sign.

    Inside the drawn octagon, add three more straight lines.stop sign drawing tutorial

  4. Finish drawing the inner contour.

    Add five more straight lines inside the octagon.stop sign drawing lesson

  5. Start drawing the inscription.

    Inside the drawn smaller octagon, draw the letter “S” on the left.stop sign drawing guide

  6. Add another letter.

    Slightly to the right of the drawn “S” outline, add the outline of the letter “T”.how to draw a stop sign for kids

  7. Draw the outline of the next letter.

    To the right of the drawn “T” outline, add the outline of the letter “O”.how to draw a stop sign for kindergarten

  8. Sketch out the last letter.

    To the right of the outline of the letter “O” you need to depict the outline of the letter “P”.how to draw a stop sign for beginners

  9. Color the drawing.

    Color the inside of the octagon red, leaving the letters white.simple stop sign drawing

I have created a PDF file with a short version of this lesson, which you can use at any time convenient for you. Download this file and enjoy drawing whenever you want.

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