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How to Draw a Child’s Face

Welcome to this artistic voyage where I’ll show you how to draw a child’s face with ease and warmth. My intent with this tutorial is to guide you, stroke by stroke, through the delightful task of sketching the innocent contours and features of a young face. It’s an artistic journey that’s as rewarding as it is heartwarming.

boy face drawing easy
how to draw a child's face

How to Draw a Child’s Face: Basic Information

Capturing the softness of youth in art, my tutorial on how to draw a child’s face focuses keenly on proportions. Proportions are the heartbeat of portraiture, especially for a child, whose features have their own set of rules. Through my method, we’ll explore these unique measurements, ensuring your drawing reflects a child’s distinctive form and spirit.

As we delve into this lesson, you’ll notice it’s all about the balance and placement of facial features. A child‘s face bears a larger forehead, smaller chin, and bigger eyes compared to an adult’s, which I’ll guide you to portray with gentle precision. Each step is crafted to make the complex simplicity of a child’s face more approachable.

By the time you’ve finished this lesson and draw a child’s face, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the delicate artistry involved. You’ll possess a new appreciation for the subtleties that bring a sketch to life, and the joy that comes from mastering these proportional nuances. So let’s ready our pencils and breathe life into our drawings.

Child’s Face Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 15 minutes

How to Draw a Child’s Face

  1. Draw the lines for the oval of the face.

    To do this, use curved lines as shown in the picture.how to draw a face easy

  2. Depict the outline of the ears and hair at the crown.

    At this stage, you need to use curved lines of different sizes.how to draw a face for kids

  3. Add details.

    Draw the outline of the hair around the forehead and temples.how to draw a face and hair

  4. Add the main section of the hair.

    You can depict hair using curved lines as shown in the picture.how to draw a face cartoon

  5. Depict the eyes.

    You can draw these elements using shapes that look like ovals.how to draw a face boy easy

  6. Draw the inside of the eyes and ears.

    Sketch out these details as shown in the picture.how to draw a face base

  7. Now draw the eyebrows.

    The eyebrows should be portrayed a little raised in surprise.how to draw a face cute

  8. Add nose and mouth.

    You can use curved lines to add these important details.boy face drawing cartoon

  9. Color the drawing.

    Choose any color for your eyes, hair, and skin.boy face drawing easy

Additional Content

I’ve also created a complimentary PDF for this drawing lesson, designed to be a handy guide you can use anytime, anywhere, without needing internet access. It’s perfect for keeping your practice going, whether you’re at home, in a park, or on a commute, ensuring that your artistic journey continues uninterrupted.

While it doesn’t replicate the tutorial’s steps, it’s filled with additional exercises aimed at advancing your drawing skills after mastering the basics. These exercises are tailored to challenge you, focusing on the intricate details that bring a child’s face to life, such as capturing emotion and perfecting the proportions that distinguish youthful features.

This PDF is your bridge to further improvement, packed with challenges to refine your technique. It’s an invitation to explore beyond what you’ve learned, experiment, and ultimately, to grow as an artist. With this guide, your ability to capture the essence and innocence of a child’s face will only strengthen.

Technical Strategies for Lifelike Child Portraits

As we wrap up this journey through the delicate process of drawing a child’s face, let’s delve into the technical nuances that can elevate your artwork from good to truly captivating. Mastering these subtle but critical aspects can make all the difference in bringing realism and depth to your portraits.

  • Proportional Balance: The key to a child’s likeness lies in getting the proportions right. The head is larger in relation to the body, and the eyes are positioned slightly lower on the face than in adults.
  • Pencil Pressure Control: The softness of a child’s features requires a light hand. Practice varying your pencil pressure to create gentle transitions between light and shadow, enhancing the youthful appearance.
  • Attention to Texture: While children’s skin is smoother than that of adults, adding subtle textures around the mouth and nose can bring a portrait to life. Use fine, almost imperceptible lines to suggest these textures without overwhelming the drawing.
  • Eye Reflections: A small white dot or a light area within the pupil can mimic the sparkle in a child’s eyes, instantly making your drawing more lively and endearing.
  • Hair Whisps: Children often have softer, more flyaway hair. Capture this by using loose, light strokes rather than defining every strand. This approach adds movement and realism.
  • Ear Placement and Shape: Ears should be drawn lower and might be slightly larger in proportion to the rest of the face, reflecting the childlike features accurately.

Grasping these technical nuances not only enhances the authenticity of your child portraits but also enriches your overall drawing skills. These insights are the culmination of observing life, understanding anatomy, and translating those observations into art.

Remember, the beauty of art lies in perpetual learning and growth. Each portrait you draw is an opportunity to refine your technique, to observe more keenly, and to express more deeply. Let these technical nuances guide you, but always allow room for your creative intuition to flourish.


Our exploration into drawing a child’s face has come to a close, but the artistic adventure doesn’t have to end here. Dive deeper into the world of art with other lessons available on my site, such as unlocking the secrets of sketching a key or capturing the brilliance of a gem. Each tutorial is designed to spark your creativity.

I encourage you to join our community on social media for updates on fresh content. Your thoughts and preferences are incredibly valuable, so please leave a comment with any specific lessons you’re eager to see. Your input helps shape our future tutorials, ensuring they resonate with your artistic aspirations.

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