How to Draw a Surfboard
Learn how to draw a surfboard in just seven steps. You will really like this instruction, because it is very simple and useful.

Now you will find a very simple lesson in which I will show you how to draw a surfboard. Surfing is a very popular water sport that involves sliding along the crest of a wave on a special board. This is a very exciting activity that requires some skill.
The surfboard is elongated and massive. There are special fins along the edge of the board, which improves the maneuverability of the board. This is what you see in the picture.
This lesson includes a few simple steps that you can easily repeat. But here you need the ability to draw smooth lines. Try to carefully draw the outline of the board.
You can color the board the same color as in the example, or you can choose any other color you like. You can also make any image on the surface of the board. It can be symbols, letters, or just stripes.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 15 minutes
How to Draw a Surfboard
- Draw one edge of the board.
To do this, depict a smooth curved line.
- Depict the second edge of the board.
Draw another curved line so that both lines connect at one point.
- Add the side of the board.
On the left, draw a line that connects both edges of the board.
- Sketch out the middle of the board.
Draw a smooth thin line from the side of the board to the pointed end.
- Depict two fins.
At the bottom of the board, draw two small fins of different sizes.
- Add details.
Carefully circle all the lines.
- Color the surfboard.
You can choose any colors.
By tradition, at the end of the lesson, I prepared for you a simplified version of this instruction in PDF format. Download the file and complete the lesson at any convenient time, even if there is no Internet access.