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How to Draw Alice in Wonderland

In this lesson I want to show you how to draw Alice in Wonderland. This step-by-step guide will be very simple and fun.

alice in wonderland drawing for kindergarten
how to draw alice in wonderland step by step

I am glad that you are interested in the lessons provided on this site, and now you will learn how to draw Alice in Wonderland. This lesson will be useful for you, and you can use the acquired skills in the future when you want to draw any other girl or even a princess.

Alice in Wonderland is the main character in a Lewis Carroll fairy tale. This product is loved by adults and children. Surely you have read this amazing fairy tale, or maybe watched a cartoon or a movie.

Alice has long blonde hair and is wearing a long blue dress and a white apron. There are black shoes on her feet. These elements you have to depict in your drawing. Try to draw the same lines as shown in the instructions so that in the end Alice is easily recognizable.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw Alice in Wonderland

  1. Draw an oval for the face.

    To do this, you need to draw a smooth curved line.how to draw alice in wonderland easy

  2. Add facial features.

    Draw the large eyes, iris, and highlights. Add the eyelashes, eyebrows, upper eyelids and mouth.how to draw cartoon alice in wonderland

  3. Depict the hair and ears.

    Add the outline of the hair on the crown and add strands of hair on the sides. Draw the ears.alice in wonderland drawing lesson

  4. Sketch out the bow.

    Draw the bow at the crown, which consists of several elements and add the ribbons on the head.alice in wonderland drawing tutorial

  5. Draw the apron.

    Using smooth lines, depict the top and bottom of the apron of the same shape as in the example.alice in wonderland drawing guide

  6. Depict the arms.

    The arms are turned to the sides and slightly bent at the elbow joint.simple alice in wonderland drawing

  7. Add the rest of the clothes.

    Draw the cape on the back and with the help of jagged lines draw the outline of the dress.alice in wonderland drawing for kids

  8. Draw the bottom of the dress and shoes.

    Using a jagged line, draw the bottom outline of the dress and add two small shoes at the bottom.alice in wonderland drawing for beginners

  9. Color the drawing.

    For coloring, you will need beige, yellow, blue, dark gray and black.alice in wonderland drawing for kindergarten

Especially for your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file with a short version of the lesson. Rather download the file so that you can always return to the lesson, even if the Internet is not available.

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