How to Draw Angry Eyes
I prepared a lesson in which you will learn how to draw angry eyes. This lesson will be very simple, and it consists of nine steps.

So, I am glad to bring to your attention a very useful and fascinating drawing lesson, in which I will tell and show you how to draw angry eyes. Completing this tutorial will be very helpful for any aspiring artist or child. With the help of this instruction, you will learn how to draw facial features, as well as depict human emotions. These skills will greatly improve your drawing and allow you to draw more diverse and beautiful pictures.
The evil eyes that you will draw with this instruction look like green male eyes, above which there are eyebrows, and there are also facial wrinkles. Surely, you know that with the help of the eyes, we can express the greatest number of our emotions. Often you can see in the eyes of a person whether he is upset or happy. Therefore, it is so important for every artist to be able to draw any of these facial features, and also able to convey various emotions in the drawing.
By learning how to draw evil eyes with the help of this instruction, you will be able to portray any person or character experiencing anger or other negative emotions. When doing this lesson, it is significant for you to adhere to symmetry, that is, the right side of your drawing should look like a mirror image of the left side. To make your drawing more beautiful and high quality, you will need to draw auxiliary lines and mark the location of the eyes. If you are ready to start this lesson, then I recommend that you prepare art materials right now, and then draw evil eyes, carefully following my recommendations. I am sure that you will easily cope with this work and enjoy the creative process.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Angry Eyes
- Draw the guidelines.
First, you need to draw two straight horizontal parallel lines of the same length.
- Mark the location and size of the eyes and eyebrows.
Add short lines between the drawn lines, and on and above the top horizontal line.
- Sketch out the outline of the eyes.
Draw arcs between the previously drawn short lines and horizontal lines.
- Depict the upper and lower eyelids of the eyes.
Above and below the drawn outlines of the eyes, draw symmetrical arcs and curved lines.
- Add the tear ducts and the inside of the eyes.
Draw incomplete circles inside the drawn eyes, and also add curved lines on the sides.
- Draw the pupils of the eyes.
To depict these elements, draw the same circles inside both eyes, as shown in the figure.
- Sketch out the contours of the eyebrows.
Above the previously drawn upper eyelids, draw symmetrical eyebrows using curved lines.
- Depict the wrinkles between the eyebrows.
To draw angry eyes and frown eyebrows, draw straight and curved lines between the eyebrows.
- Color the drawing.
Color the eyebrows brown and the eyes green. You can also use other colors.
I remind you that you can download the PDF file that I have prepared especially for your convenience. This file contains a short version of this lesson and has additional useful training materials. Download this file so as not to lose it and return to this lesson at any time convenient for you.