How to Draw Garlic
A new drawing lesson on how to draw garlic step by step is ready for you. It consists of nine simple steps.

So I am glad to offer you a new tutorial on how to draw garlic. It is another food drawing lesson that will be very useful to you.
Garlic is a plant in the onion family that’s grown for its distinctive taste and health benefits. It is closely related to onions, shallots, and leeks. Garlic supplements help prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold. I think this information is useful for you and now you know that garlic is very good for our health.
Even if you have very little drawing experience, you can still do it easily, because I have created this drawing lesson especially for beginner artists and kids. So, you can start a step-by-step drawing of garlic right now!
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw Garlic
- Draw the outline of the bottom of the garlic.
Depict an oval, which will be an auxiliary figure for drawing the garlic.
- Start drawing the top of the garlic.
Draw a curved line continuing the previously drawn oval on the right side.
- Complete the outline of the garlic top.
Add a long curved line and a short straight line on the left side.
- Draw one garlic clove.
In the middle of the garlic outline, draw a curved line to represent a single clove.
- Add an outline of another garlic clove.
Draw another curved line on the left side of the previously drawn curved line.
- Outline the next garlic clove.
Now you should draw the outline of another garlic clove on the right side.
- Add the elements to the stem.
To complete the drawing of the garlic stem, draw a straight line and an oval on it.
- Erase the auxiliary lines.
Use an eraser to remove unnecessary lines from the drawing.
- Color in the drawing.
To color the garlic you have drawn, use beige and shades of green.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson! You can download a short version of it as an PDF to view it anytime you like.