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How to Draw a Birthday Cake

Learn to draw a birthday cake in 9 easy steps, from the base plate to adding vibrant colors, with my detailed step-by-step drawing tutorial.

How to draw a birthday cake
How to draw a birthday cake step by step

I think the ones who will enjoy this lesson on how to draw a birthday cake the most are those who love sweets. You can easily complete this drawing by following the instructions, even if you are still a child or an artist who has no drawing experience.

A cake is a form of sweet food made from flour, sugar, and other ingredients, that is usually baked. Usually, the birthday cake consists of several pastry cakes, which are soaked in some kind of pastry cream. The cake is often served as a celebratory dish on ceremonial occasions, such as weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays.

If you follow these instructions, you will definitely create a beautiful drawing. Now let’s get down to drawing the birthday cake!


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Birthday Cake

  1. Draw the plate.

    Begin your drawing by sketching a thin, elongated rectangle at the bottom of your canvas. This represents the plate on which your birthday cake will rest. Ensure that the rectangle is symmetrical and flat, as it serves as the foundation for your cake drawing.
    Drawing the plate

  2. Draw the sides of the cake.

    From the edges of the plate, draw two vertical lines upward to establish the sides of your cake. These lines should be parallel to give the cake lifelike shape. Ensure that the lines are parallel to maintain the symmetry of the cake.
    Drawing the sides of the birthday cake

  3. Create the top corners.

    At the top of the vertical lines, sketch slight curves angling inwards towards the center. These curves form the top corners of the cake, leading into the top edge. The angle and curve should be gentle, mimicking the soft edge of a real cake.
    creating the top corners

  4. Draw the top edge of the cake.

    Connect the top curved angles with a horizontal line, creating the top edge of the cake. This line should be parallel to the base plate but shorter, giving the cake a solid and realistic appearance. This top edge will be the base for any additional decorations such as icing or candles.
    Drawing the top edge

  5. Illustrate the icing to the cake.

    Add a wavy line across the middle of the cake’s body to depict dripping glaze or icing. Vary the amplitude and frequency of the waves to make the icing look naturally drippy. This detail adds a delicious texture and visual interest to the cake.
    Illustrating the icing of the cake

  6. Draw the candles on the cake.

    Place evenly spaced vertical lines on top of the cake. These represent the candles. The lines should be drawn starting from the top edge of the cake and extending upwards. The number of candles can be adjusted based on the intended age or celebration.
    adding the candles

  7. Detail the candles.

    At the top of each candle, sketch a small horizontal line to signify the top edge of the candle. Just above this line, add a tiny vertical stroke to represent the wick. The wick should be just the right size to be noticeable but not overpower the candle itself.
    Detailing the candles

  8. Illustrate the candle flames.

    On top of each wick, draw a small flame. This can be achieved by sketching a teardrop shape. Make the flames slightly asymmetrical to give the effect of a gentle breeze. Flames should look dynamic and almost in motion, which adds an element of realism to your birthday cake drawing.
    Illustrating the flames

  9. Color the birthday cake.

    Finalize your birthday drawing by adding color. Color the cake with your choice of hues for the icing and cake layers. The plate can be a subtle shade that complements the cake. Use vibrant colors for the candles and a bright, warm yellow or orange for the flames.
    easy way ro draw a birthday cake

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