How to Draw a Cone
Learn how to draw a cone quickly and easily with this simple guide. This guide consists of only five steps.

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a cone. This is a great drawing object. Almost all novice artists begin their creative journey precisely with drawing geometric shapes. This is a very important step, because the final result depends on how well you know how to draw the base, that is, the initial outline.
This lesson will be one of the easiest, but you still need attention and accuracy. The lesson consists of six very simple steps, and at the end of the lesson you will see that drawing a cone is very simple.
Try to make straight lines and make sure that both sides of the cone are symmetrical. When the cone is done, you can paint it in one color or you can use several different shades to represent the shadows and highlights. Thus, your figure will look more realistic.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 15 minutes
How to Draw a Cone
- Draw the bottom face.
Sketch out an even oval.
- Add the center of the cone.
Depict a straight vertical line from the center of the oval.
- Depict one side face of the cone.
Draw a straight line from the top to the left edge of the oval.
- Sketch out the second side face.
Repeat the previous step and draw the same straight line on the right side.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Check your art work, correct inaccuracies and carefully remove the auxiliary lines.
- Color the cone.
At this stage, use light blue.
At the end of the tutorial, I’ve prepared a PDF for you that contains a short version of this guide and additional useful tools. You can download this file for free in order to repeat this lesson at any convenient time, even if you do not have Internet access.