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How to Draw a Crystal

I invite you to a new lesson in which you will learn how to draw a crystal. I promise that this lesson will be useful for you.

crystal drawing lesson

This lesson is suitable for beginner artists and children. In this lesson, I want to show you how to draw a crystal. This is a solid body that has the shape of regular polyhedra. There are many natural and artificial materials that are shaped like crystals.

In the picture you see three crystals of different shapes, each crystal has several faces. In this lesson, you will once again train your spatial imagination and the ability to draw even straight lines.

In the process, you can use improvised accessories, but it is better to do it yourself. So, check if you have all the art supplies at the ready, and you can get to work.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 25 minutes

How to Draw a Crystal

  1. Draw the outline of the first crystal.

    Using straight lines, draw a figure of the same shape as in the example.how to draw a crystal easy

  2. Add the outline of the second crystal.

    On the right side, depict the outline of the second figure, which is smaller.how to draw a crystal art hub

  3. Depict the outline of the third crystal.

    Repeat the previous step on the left side.how to draw a crystal art hub

  4. Add details.

    Draw straight lines across the top of the side crystal.how to draw a crystal art hub

  5. Add more details.

    At the top of the largest crystal, draw straight lines at an angle.how to draw a crystal for kids

  6. Depict the top of the other side crystal.

    Repeat the same action for the figure, which is located on the left.how to draw a crystal for beginners

  7. Draw the edges for side crystals.

    Depict straight lines along the side crystals, forming new faces.how to draw a crystal for kindergarten

  8. Add the rib for the large crystal.

    Draw straight lines along the large crystal to form side faces.how to draw a crystal for kindergarten

  9. Color the drawing.

    Use several shades of blue.crystal drawing lesson

I want to remind you that a short version of the lesson is available to you in the form of a PDF file. Download the file and complete the lesson at any convenient time, even if there is no Internet access.

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