How to Draw a Molecule
In this drawing lesson, you will learn how to draw a molecule. This instruction will definitely not leave any of you indifferent.

So, I am glad to offer you a very unusual and exciting drawing lesson in which I will tell and show you how to draw a molecule step by step. This simple lesson consists of six steps that each of you can easily follow.
Completing this lesson will help you practice drawing various geometric shapes. To make your drawing look neater, you can use a ruler and compass when necessary, and you can also try to depict these elements without auxiliary tools. All substances are made up of molecules.
The molecule is the smallest particle of any complex substance—it can consist of the same or different atoms. Moreover, the number of atoms in it is from two to tens of thousands. The molecules are very small. The molecule is as many times smaller than an average-sized apple as an apple is smaller than the globe. They, like atoms, are not visible in simple microscopes. Since molecules are minimal, there are many of them in any object.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw a Molecule
- Draw the outline of one atom.
To complete this simple step, you need to draw one circle as shown in the picture.
- Draw the connecting lines.
To draw lines of communication between atoms, add a figure consisting of straight lines and arcs.
- Depict the outline of another atom.
At the end of one of the drawn shapes, draw another circle, as like in example.
- Sketch out the third atom.
At the bottom of the drawn elements, add another circle smaller than the drawn ones.
- Add the last atom of the molecule.
On the left side of the drawing, draw another circle, slightly not bringing the outline of its outline to the end.
- Color the drawing.
To color the molecules, use red, green, gray, as well as shades of blue.
I remind you that you can download the PDF file that I have prepared especially for your convenience. This file contains a short version of this lesson and has additional useful training materials. Download this file so as not to lose it and return to this lesson at any time convenient for you.