How to Draw a Salad
In this drawing lesson, I will tell you how to draw a salad step by step. This simple lesson consists of eight steps.

I suggest you follow this wonderful drawing lesson, in which I will tell and show you how to draw a salad step by step. This drawing lesson is dedicated to the image of a common dish.
By learning how to draw a salad with this tutorial, you can use this image to complement a still life or other painting you’ve drawn. When drawing a salad with the help of this instruction, you will be able to practice drawing various individual objects, for example, you will learn how to draw a plate, tomatoes, herbs and other elements.
If you carefully follow these instructions and follow each step carefully and slowly, then you will definitely get a great drawing. And now you can prepare the art supplies that you will need in order to draw a salad.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Salad
- Start drawing the plate.
To draw the top outer edge of the plate, you need to draw one large oval.
- Add the bottom outline of the plate.
Below the drawn oval, draw one arc connecting the edges of the previously drawn oval.
- Depict the inner outline of the plate.
Inside the oval drawn in the first step, draw another slightly smaller oval.
- Start drawing the salad.
Inside the previously drawn plate, add some elements using arcs and incomplete ovals.
- Draw the greens and tomatoes.
Near the previously drawn elements, add two tomato slices, as well as the few green leaves.
- Depict the remaining elements of the salad.
Draw another tomato, lettuce and other elements using wavy and curved lines.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now you can use the eraser to remove the extra lines and prepare the drawing for coloring.
- Color the drawing.
To color the salad, use shades of green, red, and shades of blue.
Traditionally, for your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file that contains a short version of this lesson, as well as training materials that will help you complete this lesson. Download this file right now so as not to lose this lesson and return to it at any time convenient for you, even if you are not connected to the Internet.