How to Draw an Eyeball
In today’s step-by-step tutorial you will learn how to draw an eyeball in just six very easy steps with helpful tips.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw an eyeball. This step-by-step guide will be very simple, and any aspiring artist will quickly complete this task.
Here you will see how to draw a human eyeball step by step. This tutorial is for beginners and will use simple geometric shapes that you can easily replicate. Now you will once again practice drawing even circles.
The eyeball is a spherical body located in the eye socket. On one side of the eyeball, there is the iris and pupil, which we can see, on the back of the eyes there are blood vessels and the optic nerve.
In this tutorial, you will draw the front of the eye where the iris and pupil are located. The human eye can have different colors of the iris, such as blue, green, brown, and various shades of these colors. The pupil is always black.
For coloring the iris, you can use the same color as in the example, or you can choose any other color. Don’t forget to add highlights to make the eyeball look more realistic.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 25 minutes
How to Draw an Eyeball
- Draw the outer outline.
Determine what the size of the picture will be and draw an even circle.
- Sketch out the iris.
Inside the circle, add another smaller circle.
- Depict the pupil.
In the center of the eyeball, draw a small circle, while maintaining proportions.
- Add the blood vessels.
Draw thin jagged lines along the outer outline.
- Detail the iris.
Inside the iris, add thin lines between the outer and inner outline.
- Color in the eyeball.
Choose any color and add highlights.
The lesson is over and now you know how to draw an eyeball. Use these skills when you want to draw the whole human eye. Pay attention to details and you will get great drawings.
Finally, I suggest you download the short version of the lesson as a PDF file. Save this file and use it as needed.