How to Draw Pancakes
Thanks to this lesson you will learn how to draw pancakes in just nine steps. This instruction is very simple and suitable for beginners.

You will enjoy this lesson, because here I will show you how to draw pancakes. This popular dish is loved by both adults and children. Surely, you also love this sweet delicacy very much and have tried it many times.
In this lesson, you will draw several pancakes that are stacked on top of each other. Pancakes are poured with jam on top and there is a piece of butter. It looks very appetizing.
With this step-by-step tutorial, you will easily draw pancakes and enjoy the creative process. Perhaps the acquired skills will be useful to you in the future when creating new interesting drawings.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Pancakes
- Draw the top pancake.
To do this, you need to depict an oval.
- Add two more pancakes.
Just below, draw two rounded lines using smooth lines.
- Depict the bottom pancakes.
Repeat the previous step and successively add two more smooth rounded lines.
- Start drawing a piece of butter.
Draw a small rectangle on the surface of the pancake.
- Add details.
Depict the side edges of the piece of butter using straight lines.
- Add jam on the surface of the pancakes.
Draw jam on the top pancake using smooth, free-form lines.
- Sketch out jam on the side and bottom.
Draw flowing jam with smooth, free-form lines.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Carefully remove the extra lines.
- Color the pancakes.
Use different shades of beige to color the pancakes and jam, color the butter yellow.
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Alternative Pancake Drawing Instruction
Now let’s try to look at the process of drawing pancakes from a slightly different side.
First, draw the top pancake as an oval, then add the bottom layers using semicircles. After this, draw the dripping syrup and butter. Remove unnecessary auxiliary lines and color your pancake drawing.