How to Draw Peter Pan
In this lesson I want to show you how to draw Peter Pan. I promise that a pleasant and useful leisure awaits you ahead.

I decided to dedicate this lesson to drawing a popular cartoon character, and now you will learn how to draw Peter Pan. If you watched this fascinating cartoon, then remember that Peter Pan is a boy who has the ability to fly and never grow up.
In this lesson, Peter Pan is presented in an unusual way, but at the same time he is easily recognizable. The boy has a large head, a relatively small torso and short limbs.
I hope that drawing this cartoon character will give you great pleasure, and you will get a great result. So, take all the necessary art supplies and start the lesson.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Peter Pan
- Draw the head and torso.
Depict the oval-shaped head and add the small torso at the bottom.
- Depict the hair and eyes.
Draw the lush hair on the forehead with uneven lines and add the oval-shaped eyes.
- Add the ears and other elements of the face.
On the sides of the head, add two pointed ears. Draw the small nose and mouth.
- Sketch out the hat.
The Peter Pan’s hat has a pointed shape and is decorated with the feather on the side.
- Draw the belt and legs.
With the help of two transverse lines depict the belt and draw the legs below.
- Depict the arms.
With smooth lines, depict the arms that fit snugly against the body. Add the neckline.
- Depict the elements of the clothing and the tool.
Draw the sleeves, the lower part of the suit, the upper contour of the shoes and the sword.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Correct the mistakes if necessary and remove any extra lines in your drawing.
- Color the drawing.
You will need beige, red, black, brown and different shades of green.
The lesson is over, and now you know how to draw Peter Pan. If this lesson was interesting and useful for you, then leave a small review in the comments. By tradition, I have prepared a PDF file that contains a brief instruction and additional training materials. Download the file and draw at any convenient time.
Awesome 👍