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How to Draw a Cartoon Character

In this tutorial, I will show you in detail how to draw a cartoon character. This will be a simple and clear step-by-step guide.

easy cartoon character drawing guide
how to draw a cartoon character step by step

Surely you have watched a lot of cartoons and like to draw popular characters. And now I bring to your attention a simple instruction on how to draw a cartoon character step by step.

Pictured here is a character from The Flintstones, whose name is Fred Flintstone. This is a man who lived in the Stone Age. Fred has many hobbies. He is impulsive and quick-tempered, but at the same time friendly and ready to help those around him.

Fred walks barefoot and has only the skin of an animal and a small bandage around his neck. All these elements you now have to draw. Carefully follow all the drawing steps and try to draw the same lines as shown in the example.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw a Cartoon Character

  1. Draw the head.

    Depict the back of the head with short lines, and draw the front of the head with curved lines.how to draw a cartoon character easy

  2. Sketch out the hair.

    Use free form lines to depict the tousled hair.cartoon character drawing tutorial

  3. Depict the bandage.

    Below the head, draw the bandage that is tied in the knot and the end hangs down freely.cartoon character drawing lesson

  4. Add the clothes.

    Draw smooth rounded lines on the sides and draw a zigzag line at the bottom.cartoon character drawing guide

  5. Draw the arm.

    On the side of the body, add the arm that is lowered down, and the hand is turned back.how to draw a cartoon character for beginners

  6. Sketch out the legs.

    Add two legs that are located side by side and the feet are turned in different directions.simple cartoon character drawing for kids

  7. Depict the elements of the face.

    Draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth and draw the ear on the side.cartoon character drawing for kindergarten

  8. Detail the clothes.

    Sequentially, add the few spots on the clothes.cartoon character drawing

  9. Color the cartoon character.

    You will need beige and a few other bright colors.easy cartoon character drawing guide

As usual, I have created a PDF file with a short version of the lesson in advance, and now you can download the file for free and follow the lesson at any convenient time.

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