How to Draw the Canadian Flag
In this tutorial you will learn how to draw the Canadian flag easily and quickly. I am sure you will enjoy this lesson very much.

In this drawing lesson I will show you how to draw the Canadian flag. This lesson includes eight steps that any aspiring artist can easily follow.
In this lesson you will learn how to draw the Canadian flag. This is one of the state symbols of the country. The flag of Canada is a rectangular canvas of red color with a white square in the middle pictured maple leaf.
When you learn how to draw the outline of the flag on the flagpole, you can learn how to draw the flags of other countries. Now check if you have all the art supplies at hand and get to work.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw the Canadian Flag
- Draw the flagpole.
Depict two straight lines that are parallel.
- Depict the tip.
Sketch out a small circle at the top.
- Add the stand.
Draw the small stand below, which consists of two rectangular elements.
- Sketch out the top and bottom of the flag.
Using two wavy lines, draw the top and bottom contours of the future flag.
- Draw the side of the flag.
Depict a straight connecting line between the two wavy lines.
- Detail the color of the flag.
On the canvas of the flag, draw two even transverse lines to indicate the red areas.
- Add the emblem.
In the middle of the flag, carefully draw the maple leaf.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring, you will need red yellow and orange.
Now you have learned what the Canadian flag looks like and how to draw it. I would be interested to know your opinion about this lesson. Especially for your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file in advance, which contains a short version of the lesson. Do not forget to subscribe to us on social networks so as not to miss new lessons.