How to Draw Yoda Face
This lesson will show you how to draw Yoda face, one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe, using two simple methods.

How to Draw Yoda Face: Introduction
Star Wars debuted many decades ago, yet it continues to capture the attention of audiences. Many fans are eager to learn how to draw characters from this universe. This lesson focuses on drawing Yoda face in a very simple style.
First, we will learn how to draw Yoda face in a simplified yet realistic style. This approach retains key details of his features while making the process easier to follow.
Next, we will take a completely different approach to drawing Yoda’s face in an even more simplified style. By practicing both techniques, you’ll see how different drawing styles can illustrate the same subject in unique ways.
Both methods are created to improve your skills and deepen your understanding of character drawing. Try both versions to boost your abilities and develop confidence in drawing Star Wars characters. And of course, these methods will train your skills in drawing Yoda.
Yoda Face Drawing Tutorial
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw Yoda Face
- Draw the basic head shape.
To begin learning how to draw Yoda face, start with a simple oval shape. This will act as the foundation for the head and help create the proportions of the drawing. Lightly sketch the outline so that adjustments can be made later.
- Sketch the eyes.
Position the eyes within the upper half of the oval. His eyes are almond-shaped with a slight downward curve at the outer edges. Sketch the irises and pupils inside the shapes of the eyes. His eyes are small in proportion to his head, so avoid making them too large.
- Add the nose of Yoda.
Yoda’s nose is small and slightly curved with a rounded tip. Draw a soft, curved line for the bridge and add two rounded nostrils at the bottom. Lightly sketch minor wrinkles around the nose to add some realism and making the nose look more authentic.
- Draw facial wrinkles around the eyes.
Yoda is an aged character, and his deeply lined face is one of his defining features. Begin by sketching gentle lines around the outer corners of his eyes. These wrinkles should be slightly curved and follow the natural contours of his face.
- Outline the mouth and chin.
Yoda has a small, subtle mouth with thin lips. Start by sketching a simple curved line for his lips. Once the mouth is in place, draw the wrinkles between the nose and mouth. A few extra lines beneath the lower lip will make the drawing more detailed.
- Add the forehead wrinkles.
A critical element in this tutorial on how to draw Yoda’s face is the forehead wrinkles. These lines define his aged look and make his face instantly recognizable. Use smooth lines to draw the wrinkles across the forehead of Yoda. Next, add skin folds around the cheeks and temples.
- Draw Yoda’s ears.
Yoda’s ears are one of the most distinctive features of the character. His ears are large, pointed, and extend outward from the sides of his head. Sketch two curved shapes on each side, extending them outward before tapering to a sharp point. The ears should be slightly tilted upward at the tips.
- Finalize the linework.
Now, go over your Yoda face drawing and refine the details. Erase any unnecessary guidelines and smooth out the lines to create a clean final version. Adjust any features that seem off, making the face of Yoda look symmetry and proportion.
- Add color to Yoda face.
The final step of this guide on how to draw Yoda face is adding color. Use a light green shade for his skin, keeping it soft and even. You can darken certain areas, such as wrinkles and shadows, to make the drawing more realistic. His eyes should be slightly darker with subtle highlights.
Alternative Yoda Face Drawing Tutorial
This method for learning how to draw Yoda face features a simplified head shape, exaggerated wrinkles, and a more pronounced lines. The main difference from the first tutorial is that this version has a stylized, slightly cartoonish look with bold lines and defined contours, while the previous method was more realistic.
Start with the basic outline of the head, using simple lines. Add the large, curved ears, extending outward with inner folds for detail. Draw the eyes with slightly slanted angles and small pupils, giving them a calm expression. Add the first wrinkles around the eyes. Define the forehead with thick, curved wrinkles extending from the center outward.
Draw the nose with sharp lines and subtle nostrils. Add mouth lines with deep folds running from the nose to the chin. Complete the face by refining the wrinkles and shading the eye sockets for depth. Draw the neck and robe with simple flowing lines. Finish by coloring the skin green, the robe in muted colors, and darkening the shadows to improve contrast.

Let’s summarize what we learned today. This lesson showed you how to draw Master Yoda face using two different methods. First, you studied the basic approach, which provides a fairly realistic representation of this Star Wars character. Then, you explored a more simplified version of the character through an additional instructional guide. Additionally, you gained valuable knowledge in drawing portraits of unique characters and reinforced your overall portrait-drawing skills.
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