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How to Draw a Ninja

In this tutorial we’re conjuring a sprite of the shadows in simple cartoon form. Through my easy-to-follow steps on how to draw a ninja, you’ll transform simple shapes into a miniature guardian of ancient secrets, blending cuteness with the ninja’s legendary stealth.

how to draw a ninja
how to draw a ninja step by step

How to Draw a Ninja: Basic Information

Stepping into the shadows, I’ve crafted a lesson that demystifies the art of concealment and agility: how to draw a ninja. My simple approach unfolds the mystery step by step, ensuring you can recreate these stealthy figures with ease. It’s all about bringing the elusive ninja out from the shadows and onto your page.

The ninja you’ll learn to draw is no ordinary character; he’s designed with the playful proportions of chibi art. His large head and compact body convey both might and mischief, a true hallmark of the chibi style. This tutorial carefully balances the ninja’s powerful mystique with an inviting, cartoonish charm that will captivate any artist.

By the end of this tutorial, when you draw a ninja, he’ll not only carry the traditional garb and weaponry but also the cheeky personality that comes with the chibi interpretation. This isn’t just a drawing; it’s a character brimming with personality, ready to leap into a comic adventure or guard your sketchbook with silent vigilance.

Ninja Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Ninja

  1. Draw the outline of the head and torso.

    Start by drawing a circular shape for the ninja’s head, keeping it proportional to the rest of the drawing. Below the head, draw a slightly narrower, rectangular body. Ensure the body is connected to the head, forming a solid foundation for further additions.
    Outline the head and body

  2. Illustrate the headband and mask.

    Add two parallel horizontal lines across the top third of the ninja’s head, establishing the headband. Below the headband, draw a slightly curved line just above the center of the head, outlining the ninja’s mask. Ensure the mask occupies the bottom half of the face, leaving space for the ninja’s eyes above.
    Draw the mask of the ninja

  3. Outline the ninja’s hands and legs.

    Begin shaping the ninja’s limbs by drawing rounded rectangles on each side of the body for the arms. These arms should extend downward, roughly matching the body’s proportions. Below the body, sketch the legs by dividing the lower section into two parts using a vertical line.
    Draw the arms and legs

  4. Add the shoes and bands on the wrists.

    Draw the ninja’s feet at the end of each leg, extending slightly outwards to provide balance. These feet should be small but proportional, grounding the drawing. Next, add wrist protectors to the ends of the arms by drawing bands around each wrist.
    Detail the feet and wrists

  5. Draw the eyes and part of the costume.

    Add two large dots above the mask’s curved line to create the ninja’s eyes, positioning them evenly spaced for balance. To the left of the head, draw two flowing strips to represent the headband’s ties. These ties should curve and flow outward, giving the ninja a dynamic, action-ready appearance.
    adding the eyes

  6. Add the sword and the belt.

    Draw the belt around the ninja’s waist, emphasizing its role in holding together the outfit. The belt should be distinct, defining the ninja’s midsection. To the right side of the body, draw the top of the ninja’s katana. The tip of the sword should appear from behind the ninja’s back.
    Adding the sword and the belt.

  7. Draw the rest of the ninja’s costume.

    Add lines along the arms and legs, segmenting the ninja’s suit into traditional sections. Draw a “V”-shaped line below the headband, indicating the outfit’s collar. This “V” should be centered, pulling together the ninja’s outfit and giving it a classic look.
    Drawing the rest of the ninja’s costume.

  8. Erase the guidelines and color the drawing.

    Fill in the ninja’s suit with a dark color, such as navy blue, making the mask slightly darker. The headband should be colored a lighter blue or red, providing contrast against the suit. Fill in the ninja’s wrist protectors, belt, and feet with matching or complementary hues, completing the ninja’s attire.
    how to draw a ninja step by step easy

Additional Content

To complement the journey of drawing a chibi ninja, I’ve put together a free PDF file, a succinct summary of our lesson. It’s available for you to download and keep handy for those times when the internet is out of reach. Consider this PDF your own secret scroll of knowledge, waiting to be unfurled.

This PDF is designed not with steps, but with additional materials aimed at enhancing your skills once the primary lesson is mastered. It’s filled with challenges that will test and refine your newfound abilities, pushing your chibi ninja drawings from delightful to masterful.

Think of this downloadable guide as your personal dojo for art. Within its pages lies the key to honing your craft, giving you the freedom to practice wherever you are. It’s the perfect supplement to ensure that the art of drawing a ninja becomes second nature to you.

Alternative Drawing Techniques

In the spirit of the versatile shinobi, I’ve crafted multiple alternative drawing techniques for the ninja, providing you a full arsenal to sharpen your artistic skills. Each variant offers a new perspective on shadow and line, challenging you to capture the essence of the ninja in diverse ways.

My collection of methods introduces different poses and tools of the ninja, encouraging practice that perfects. These techniques are your stepping stones to a broader mastery, designed to enhance your ability to render the swift, silent figures with greater confidence and creativity.

Embracing these alternative approaches will not only diversify your portfolio but also deepen your understanding of form and movement. With each new technique, watch your ninja sketches evolve from static figures to dynamic illustrations, brimming with the quiet power synonymous with the ninja.

How to Draw Ninja in Fighting Position

This method for drawing a ninja in a battle stance is designed to break down a dynamic figure into manageable steps. Beginning with the head, grounded by the sturdy torso, the stance starts taking shape from the very first step, setting the stage for a powerful silhouette.

Next, the arms and legs are drawn, capturing the essence of motion and readiness. Each limb is positioned to convey the agility and balance of a ninja, ready to spring into action. The lines are simple yet deliberate, ensuring that the energy of the pose is captured at every stage.

In the final drawing, our ninja comes to life, his gaze hidden yet intent, his body coiled with potential energy. The process emphasizes not just the physical accuracy of the stance but also the quiet intensity that defines a ninja’s presence. Each element, from the bend of the knees to the position of the hands, works together to create a cohesive and dynamic whole.

ninja drawing tutorial

How to Draw a Ninja for Kindegarten

Introducing the littlest learners to the art of the ninja, this drawing method is crafted for simplicity and success, perfect for kindergarten hands. We begin with a gentle circle for the head, setting the stage for a friendly ninja that every child can proudly say they drew themselves.

With each step, we add elements – a line for the mask and limbs drawn with soft curves. It’s a playful dance of the pencil, where each mark adds character, from the ninja’s mask to the hint of a belt, keeping the shapes engaging yet manageable for young artists.

Finishing our ninja, we give him a touch of personality with just a few details: eyes and the iconic headband. This method turns drawing into play, allowing kids to imagine their ninja in stealthy adventures or brave feats, all through the joy of creating with their own two hands.

How to draw a ninja step by step

Tips to Triumph Over Ninja Drawing Errors

Every artist’s path is strewn with eraser shavings and redrawn lines. In learning to draw a ninja, especially for our youngest art enthusiasts, certain missteps are as common as they are part of the learning process. Here’s a collection of frequent mistakes to help guide budding artists towards ninja-drawing mastery.

  • Overlooking Proportions: Even with simple characters, proportion is key. A ninja’s head should not overshadow his body, nor should his limbs be too long or too short.
  • Rigid Poses: Ninjas are stealthy and agile. Avoid stiff, unnatural poses by adding a slight bend to arms and legs.
  • Uniform Lines: Variation in line weight can bring a drawing to life. A common mistake is using a single line thickness throughout.
  • Forgetting the Mask’s Function: The mask should look like it could realistically cover the face, not just sit on top of it.
  • Ignoring Fabric Flow: The ninja’s outfit should look like fabric, not armor. Pay attention to how cloth sits and moves on a body.
  • Overcomplicating the Sword: When drawing the ninja’s weapon, simplicity is key. A straight line for the blade often suffices.
  • Skipping the Sketching Phase: Jumping straight to final lines without a proper sketch can lead to errors. Light sketching helps plan out the drawing.

Concluding this tutorial, remember these common mistakes as lessons, not setbacks. Each one teaches a new aspect of artistry, from the subtleties of form to the boldness of expression. With practice, patience, and persistence, the young artist will soon be drawing ninjas that leap off the page – as silent and impressive as the shadows they emerge from.


On my website, a whole collection of lessons awaits, ready to be discovered. Fancy drawing the fierce face of a tiger or the sleek lines of a skateboard? Each lesson is another step towards becoming the artist you’re meant to be.

Make sure to connect with me on social media for the latest updates; there’s always a new lesson on the horizon. And your input is invaluable – leave a comment with your wishes for future tutorials. Your suggestions could very well shape our next drawing tutorial!

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