How to Draw a Cute Dog
We all appreciate cute and fluffy animals. In this lesson, we will go through several steps and two methods to learn how to draw a cute dog.

How to Draw a Cute Dog: Introduction
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw a cute dog. The picture features a small puppy that appears very cute and brings a pleasant feeling. You’ve probably seen similar cute puppies in cartoons, and you’ve ever wondered how artists make dogs look so cute, this tutorial will provide an answer.
In this lesson on drawing a cute dog, I’ll explain in detail how to draw dogs and other animals in a way that gives them a cute appearance. I’ll also show simple techniques that are useful for creating cute characters.
The lesson itself will follow a really easy approach, similar to other lessons on my site. For example, we’ll cover the steps for drawing a cute dog, with a particular focus on the features that give the animal a cute appearance.
To further develop your skills and introduce new methods, I’ll include a bonus lesson on how to draw a cute dog in an even simpler style.
Cute Dog Drawing Tutorial
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 40 minutes
How to Draw a Cute Dog
- Sketch the head and torso of the animal.
Begin drawing a cute dog by sketching a large, rounded shape for the head and a smaller, bean-like shape for the body. Keep the head proportionally larger than the body, as this creates an innocent, baby-like appearance that’s common in cute drawings.
- Add the facial features.
Draw two large circles for the eyes, placing them lower on the face and far from each other. This positioning gives the dog a cute and cartoon look. Draw a small, rounded triangle for the nose, with simple curved lines beneath it to form a tiny smile.
- Add the ears.
Now, draw floppy, rounded ears on each side of the cute dog head. Start the ears higher up on the head and let them droop slightly downward, framing the face. Oversized ears will make drawing of a dog really cute and huggable.
- Detail the face of the cute dog.
Add small details to the face, such as tiny eyebrows above the eyes and a few hair tufts on top of the head. Also, don’t forget to draw fur at the sides of the face, to give your dog more natural appearance. Keep the hair tufts small and slightly uneven to avoid a stiff look.
- Add the tail fur on the chest.
On the left side of the cute dog body, draw a fluffy, curved tail. Make the tail short and curled upwards, adding a few jagged lines along the edges to represent soft fur. Then, draw some tufts of fur on the chest of your cute dog.
- Draw the front limbs of the cute dog.
Draw the front legs of your cute dog with simple snd short lines. Place one leg slightly forward to make the dog appear as if it’s taking a gentle step. Keep the legs short and rounded at the ends for a soft, paw-like appearance. Short, chubby legs help create a cute and innocent look.
- Add the back legs and paws.
Now, add the back legs just behind the front legs. Make them slightly more curved and with a similar rounded shape. Rounded back legs with subtle toe lines create a nice appearance that makes the dog look young and very cute.
- Refine the outlines of the animal.
Carefully go over your lines, erasing any unnecessary or overlapping ones. Make the necessary lines smooth and dark. Avoid sharp angles in the outline, especially around the face, ears, and body, as they can detract from the cute style. Use soft, continuous curves and really smooth lines for cute look.
- Add colors to the cute dog.
Use a light brown or beige color for the fur, along with a darker shade for the nose, eyes, and inner ears. Add highlights in the eyes to give them a sparkle. Be mindful not to use harsh contrasts, as softer color transitions make the drawing feel more gentle and inviting.
Simple Cute Dod Drawing Tutorial
The main difference between this simple cute dog drawing tutorial and the first one lies in the style and positioning of the dog. In this tutorial, the dog has a more rounded and compact body with a fuller face. The eyes are positioned slightly differently, and the face has less detail in the preliminary stages, focusing more on the general shape and more basic lines.
To draw a cute dog in this simple style, start by sketching a round outline for the head and a smaller circle for the body. Next, draw the outlines of the ears at the top of the head and add the bushy tail on the side of the body. Move on to adding the legs, keeping them short and rounded to give the dog even more cute look.
Draw the face, including large eyes and a small nose and mouth in the center, to give the dog a soft expression. Add spots or patches if desired for additional character. Finally, color your cute dog in a warm tone, like yellow or brown. This simple method helps you draw a cute dog with a soft, rounded appearance.
For your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file that contains a short version of this cute dog drawing tutorial. Download this file and draw animals at any convenient time, even when there is no Internet access.

You should now have a drawing of a cute little dog. You can use these skills to create more drawings and add a background for the dog, such as a natural setting.
You can also continue practicing your animal drawing skills. If you’re particularly interested in drawing dogs, visit the animal category on my site for additional instructions. If you want to sketch other animals, you can find guides on drawing a lion and other creatures in the same category.
Thank you for following this drawing lesson. In upcoming instructions, new tasks will be available. Feel free to share your completed drawings with friends and draw together.
so hard