How to Draw a Dancer
Learn how to draw a dancer with this tutorial. This instruction consists of only nine steps. Start the lesson and get useful skills!

Now you will learn how to draw a dancer. This lesson is very simple and consists of nine steps. You can easily draw a dancer, even if you have not had to do this before.
The picture shows a cute young girl who is dressed in a stage costume and performs a dance move. The girl very gracefully stands on one leg, the other leg is turned to the side, her hands occupy a certain position in the dance. This is very similar to a dance move in ballet.
The girl very gracefully stands on one leg, the other leg is turned to the side, her hands occupy a certain position in the dance. This is very similar to a dance move in ballet.
I think that this lesson will be very interesting for you and also useful. Remember the sequence of steps in order to apply these skills in your future work.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 25 minutes
How to Draw a Dancer
- Draw an oval for the face.
Draw a smooth line and add the outline of the ear.
- Depict the hair.
With smooth rounded lines, draw an outer contour and add strands in the forehead area.
- Add the neck and upper body.
Below the head draw the short neck and add the small torso.
- Depict the skirt.
From the belt, draw two even segments down and to the side and connect them.
- Sketch out one leg.
The legs are very thin, draw ballet shoes at the bottom.
- Draw the second leg.
Repeat the previous step and depict the second leg, but in a different position.
- Add two arms.
The arms are very thin and point in different directions.
- Depict the facial features.
Draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth and add the outline of the bandage on the head.
- Color the dancer.
You can choose any colors to color the drawing.
It was a simple lesson in which you learned how to draw a dancer. I hope you had a good time and gained useful skills. I will be glad if you leave your feedback in the comments.
You can save a short version of this walkthrough so you can follow the lesson at any time. To do this, use the link at the end of this tutorial and download the PDF file that I have prepared especially for your convenience.