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How to Draw a Deer

If you’ve been searching for the answer on how to draw a deer, you’ve come to the right place. I will guide you through drawing techniques and share a few tips to help you master the art of drawing a deer.

How to Draw a Deer: Basic Information

Drawing animals, particularly a deer, can significantly enhance your artistic skills by introducing you to new techniques and refining your attention to detail.

This tutorial on how to draw a deer is designed to guide young artists through each stage, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the process. As an art teacher, I encourage you to focus on several key aspects while drawing a deer. This practice will not only improve your drawing abilities but also develop your observational skills and patience.

So, what makes this drawing particularly interesting? First, let’s observe the proportions of our deer. The body is notably small for an adult animal, indicating that we are drawing a young deer.

Additionally, this deer features a cartoonish, rather than realistic, face. The mouth is represented by a small line, and the eyes are large with highlights. These characteristics are essential to remember for achieving accuracy and correctness in your drawing.

The posture of the deer is also significant. It is depicted in a static pose with its head slightly extended forward. This conveys a sense of cautious curiosity or the act of observing something unusual.

Deer Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies 

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Deer

  1. Draw the outlines of the deer’s head and torso.

    To begin our drawing of the deer, we start by outlining the basic shapes. Draw two oval shapes, one for the head and a larger one for the body. It’s important to note that the body is quite small compared to the head, emphasizing the characteristics of a young deer.how to draw a deer step by step

  2. Add the deer’s neck and tail.

    Next, we connect the head and body with curved lines. These lines form the neck, creating a seamless flow between the two main shapes. At this stage, we also add a small, curved line at the back of the body to indicate the beginning of the tail.how to draw a deer easy

  3. Add details to the deer’s face.

    In this step, we start defining the facial features of our cartoonish baby deer. Draw a small circle near the center of the head for the eye and a tiny oval for the nose. The mouth is represented by a short line below the nose. These elements give the deer a whimsical, animated look.how to draw a deer easy for kids

  4. Depict the deer’s ears.

    We now add the ears, which are drawn as two pointed shapes on top of the head. The ears should be slightly larger and positioned high on the head. This step emphasizes the alert and curious nature of a baby deer, making the drawing more lively and expressive.how to draw a deer easy step by step

  5. Draw the two front legss of the deer.

    UMoving on to the body, we draw the front legs. These should be thin and slightly bent to suggest a gentle stance. The legs are simple, straight lines that taper slightly towards the hooves. Note the height of the deer’s body, head and neck, and compare this to the height of the front legs.how to draw a deer for kids easy

  6. Add the two hind legs.

    Next, we add the hind legs. Similar to the front legs, these should be thin and slightly bent. The hind legs are drawn at a slight angle to indicate a natural standing position. Make sure the legs are balanced and proportional to the body, capturing the youthful look of the baby deer.a deer drawing guide

  7. Add some decorative elements to the drawing.

    In this step, we add some small details to the body, such as the spots on the deer’s back. These spots are small circles that add to the deer’s cute appearance. Additionally, we refine the shape of the tail and the outline of the hooves, ensuring all elements are cohesive and proportional. a deer drawing tutorial

  8. Erase the auxiliary lines.

    So, we finalize the outline by going over the entire drawing with a clean, solid line. Erase any unnecessary sketch lines to give the drawing a polished look. This step is crucial for defining the final shape and ensuring that all proportions are accurate.easy way ro draw a deer

  9. Color the drawing.

    The final step involves adding color to your drawing. Use shades of brown for the body, lighter tones for the underbelly, and darker hues for the hooves. The eyes should be dark with white highlights to maintain the cartoonish lookhow to draw a deer step by step easy

Additional Content

This PDF contains a concise version of the deer drawing lesson, along with two alternative drawing methods. It is designed to be a handy reference, allowing you to practice drawing even without an Internet connection. Download and enjoy drawing anytime, anywhere!

Alternative Drawing Techniques

To ensure you have a variety of creative paths to explore, I’ve developed several alternative drawing techniques for sketching a deer. These diverse methods are designed to challenge and enhance your artistic skills, providing ample opportunity for practice and improvement.

By experimenting with different styles, you’ll not only become more proficient in drawing deer but also broaden your overall artistic abilities.

How to Draw an Easy Deer

In this method, the focus is on crafting a smooth and contiguous outline of a young deer without the distinct spots. This approach streamlines the drawing process, making it less complex for beginners.

how to draw an easy deer step by step

How to Draw a Cute Deer

This alternative method of drawing introduces a charming deer with a sweet, engaging presence. The steps focus on gentle curves and soft lines to craft a welcoming and friendly character, emphasizing the deer’s nature.

Attention is given to the deer’s facial expressions, with larger eyes and a warm smile, creating an inviting and cute deer. This technique is ideal for those who wish to capture the tender side of wildlife in their art.

how to draw a deer step by step


Congratulations on completing the baby deer drawing lesson. I hope you enjoyed the process and learned valuable techniques. To stay updated with more fun and educational drawing tutorials, make sure to subscribe to our social media channels. Happy drawing!

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