How to Draw a Drone
In this lesson I show you in detail how to draw a drone. With the help of this lesson, you will once again train your artistic abilities.

Especially for children and beginners, I have created a fascinating lesson on how to draw a drone. This lesson will require you to be patient and attentive. You will also need your ability to maintain symmetry, because the drone has the same elements that you must correctly depict in your drawing.
The drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle that can be used for a variety of purposes. In the picture you see a small quadcopter with four propellers that provide stability during flight and guarantee smooth changes in direction. At the bottom of the drone is a camera and with the help of such a drone you can shoot video.
So, check if you have all the art supplies at hand and proceed with this tutorial.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Drone
- Draw the body of the drone.
At this stage, you need to draw an even oval.
- Depict two rays.
Draw two identical beams that are closer to us.
- Add the rest of the rays.
Repeat the previous step and draw two more smaller rays on the other side of the drone.
- Sketch out the screws.
At the ends of each beam, depict the small rounded screws.
- Draw the propellers on the two beams.
Using straight lines draw two thin propellers on the rays, which are located closer to us.
- Add the rest of the propellers.
Depict two more small propellers with a few straight lines.
- Sketch out the camera.
At the bottom of the drone draw the semicircular camera.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Use the eraser to remove the extra lines in your drawing and correct the mistakes if necessary.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring, you will need blue, brown, yellow, green, and black.
Drone is ready! I would be interested to know your opinion about this tutorial, and I will gladly read your feedback. I remind you that now you can download a PDF file for free, in which you will find a brief instruction and additional training materials necessary for the qualitative implementation of this lesson.