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How to Draw a Jellyfish

Let’s set sail on a drawing adventure, learning how to draw a jellyfish, capturing the floating ballet of these sea creatures. My tutorial will unwrap their elegant drift into a series of simple, delightful strokes. Each curve we sketch will be a tribute to this sea wanderer’s gentle sway through the ocean’s vast expanse.

How to Draw a Jellyfish: Basic Information

Welcome to the serene seas of creativity, where today I’ll guide you on how to draw a jellyfish, an oceanic gem that dances to the water’s silent tune. My method unwraps the jellyfish’s mystique into simple steps, making its flowing tentacles and graceful bell accessible to all who hold a pencil and harbor a love for the aquatic ballet.

As we sketch, observe the jellyfish’s bell; it’s not merely a shape but a canopy of the deep, floating with purpose. The tendrils we’ll add are not just lines but echoes of the sea‘s whispers, each a wisp of underwater melody. We’ll then crown our work with a pair of playful eyes and a whimsical smile, infusing our jellyfish with a friendly persona that swims right off the paper.

When you’ve completed this tutorial, to draw a jellyfish will be to conjure tranquility in graphite and paper. You’ll leave not only with a piece of the ocean‘s heart but with a ripple of its peace within your own. Let’s cast our nets wide and reel in the beauty of these gentle sea drifters, one line at a time.

Jellyfish Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Jellyfish

  1. Draw the upper outline of the body.

    Depict it in your drawing as an arc, similar to a semicircle.how to draw a jellyfish step by step

  2. Add the lower part of the torso.

    Draw a wavy line from one to the other edge of the drawn arc.how to draw a jellyfish easy

  3. Draw two tentacles.

    Add two identical tentacles below the jellyfish body using curved lines.how to draw a jellyfish easy for kids

  4. Add two more jellyfish tentacles.

    In the background of the drawing, draw two tentacles, slightly covered by the previous ones.how to draw a jellyfish easy step by step

  5. Outline the last two tentacles.

    Add more tentacles on the sides of the tentacles you drew earlier, using curved lines.how to draw a jellyfish for kids easy

  6. Draw facial features.

    Draw the jellyfish’s eyes as two identical ovals and the mouth as a short, curved line.a jellyfish drawing guide

  7. Color the drawing.

    Use light pink or light purple to paint this picture. Color the jellyfish’s eyes black.a jellyfish drawing tutorial

Additional Content

To bolster your progress after our session, I’ve assembled a downloadable PDF, brimming with additional material. It’s designed to complement the jellyfish lesson and is the perfect practice partner for any time, internet or not. Consider it your pocket-sized workbook for artistic growth.

This guide serves as a bridge to advanced artistry, filled with exercises that will sharpen your newly acquired skills. It’s not a rehash of the lesson you’ve just completed but a suite of challenges to push your capabilities further. The focus is on fostering a deeper connection with your art, long after the basics have been mastered.

Embrace this guide as your stepping stone to greater creativity. It’s crafted to be used whenever inspiration strikes, to keep the momentum of your artistic voyage sailing smoothly forward. Let it be the undercurrent that propels your drawing skills to new heights, even when our lesson has concluded.

Alternative Drawing Technique

In my quest to make your artistic path as fluid as the jellyfish itself, I’ve tailored an alternative drawing technique. This new approach simplifies the form, encouraging more frequent practice to enhance your skills gently and naturally, like the ebb and flow of the tide.

This fresh method is about ease and flow, stripping back the jellyfish to its most basic elements. It’s perfect for quick practice sessions, allowing you to focus on the rhythm of your hand and the movement of the pencil, rather than the complexity of the subject.

With this technique, you’ll build a solid foundation, fostering confidence and precision as you sketch. It’s a calm, methodical process designed to reinforce your understanding of shape and line, providing a serene way to improve and enjoy the art of drawing a jellyfish.

Jellyfish Drawing Lesson for Preschoolers

For our young friends in kindergarten, we have a delightful, four-step journey to draw a jellyfish. We begin with a wobbly dome, a simple shape that resembles a mountain range, easy for small hands to imitate. This is the jellyfish’s umbrella – the magical part that floats and dances in the water.

Next, we add some wavy lines hanging down from the dome, gentle and curved like ribbons in the wind. These aren’t just lines; they’re the jellyfish’s flowing tentacles that allow it to glide through the sea. The act is as easy as drawing rain falling from a cloud, a motion well-suited for the imaginative minds of little ones.

In the third step, our jellyfish starts to take form as we connect the tentacles to the dome. It’s here that we begin to see the jellyfish come to life, as each stroke adds to its underwater ballet. And finally, we bring our jellyfish to life with color, a splash of pink that turns our simple shapes into a sea creature full of wonder.

jellyfish step by step drawing tutorial

Unveiling the Art Behind the Jellyfish Sketch

Following the conclusion of our jellyfish drawing lesson, it’s essential to delve into the depths and uncover the layers of knowledge embedded within each step. Here I’ll detail the rich tapestry of skills and insights that this seemingly simple tutorial imparts.

  • Embrace Imperfection: The rounded top of the jellyfish teaches that not all lines must be perfect, capturing the organic nature of life.
  • Symmetry in Nature: The even spacing of the jellyfish’s tentacles introduces the concept of balance and symmetry, fundamental in art.
  • Fluid Motion: With each tentacle drawn, we mimic the fluidity of water, imparting the feeling of movement to our art.
  • Adding Character: Simple features like the jellyfish’s smiling face can inject personality into our drawings, transforming shapes into stories.
  • Color Layering: Applying a gentle gradient of colors gives the impression of softness and depth, much like the delicate body of a real jellyfish.

Through the process of drawing a simple jellyfish, we have navigated a rich sea of artistic techniques and lessons. Each child who embarked on this journey has not only learned to recreate a creature of the ocean but has also grasped foundational artistic concepts that will serve them in all future creative endeavors.

Sidestepping the Slip-Ups of Jellyfish Sketching

In the reflective quiet that follows our drawing lesson, it’s beneficial to turn our gaze to the common missteps that can occur when learning to sketch the graceful jellyfish. Understanding these can be as crucial as the drawing process itself, for it is often through our errors that we learn the most.

  • Overemphasizing Symmetry: While symmetry is important, too rigid an approach can rob the jellyfish of its natural, fluid appearance. Embrace slight asymmetry to capture its organic form.
  • Heavy-Handed Tentacles: Drawing the tentacles with too much pressure or making them too thick can result in a less delicate portrayal. Aim for light, feathery strokes to suggest their ethereal quality.
  • Uniform Tentacle Length: Jellyfish tentacles vary in length. Avoid the uniformity trap; diversity in your lines adds realism and dynamism.
  • Ignoring Overlap: Tentacles overlap; they’re not all visible in their entirety. Depicting this overlap adds depth and perspective to your drawing.
  • Flat Coloring: A jellyfish’s charm partly lies in its translucence and color gradients. Avoid flat, uniform colors; instead, blend shades to create dimension.

Keep these common oversights in mind, and let them steer you away from the reefs of repetition towards the open waters of artistic growth. With each new jellyfish you draw, you’ll find your lines flowing more naturally, your colors blending more seamlessly, and your creatures coming to life more vibrantly on the paper.


With the final swish of our pencils, our journey drawing the jellyfish has come to a gentle close. Yet, the vast ocean of art awaits, brimming with more lessons to spark your imagination on my website. Fancy the magic of sketching a unicorn, or the thrill of bringing Mario to life? These guides are just a click away, each a new chapter in your artistic story.

And for those who wish to sail along with me through every artistic wave, join our community on social media. It’s there you’ll catch the latest news and never miss the announcement of new tutorials. Feel free to drop your anchor and leave a comment with your creative longings; your suggestions are the lighthouse guiding our future lessons.

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