How to Draw a Lemon
In this drawing lesson you will learn how to draw a lemon. This tutorial will be very useful for you!

I have prepared an interesting drawing lesson for you to tell you how to draw a lemon in just nine easy steps. Lemon is a yellow citrus fruit. Lemons taste sour. The juice, zest, and pulp are often used in cooking, often on fish and other meat for better taste. Lemon is also used to flavor drinks, such as lemonade or soft drinks. Also, lemons are very good for human health, because they contain a lot of vitamins necessary for us.
The lemon fruit is oval with a broad, low, apical nipple and forms 8 to 10 segments. The outer rind, or peel, yellow when ripe and rather thick in some varieties, is prominently dotted with oil glands. Did you know that not only the pulp of the lemon is useful, but also its peel? It is often added to various desserts.
You can use your lemon drawing skill in the future if you want to draw a still life or a lemon tree. Well, I invite you to start drawing this fruit right now!
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw a Lemon
- Draw the outline of the lemon.
To do this step you have to draw one big oval in the middle of your drawing.
- Add the bottom part of the lemon.
Draw a small curved line at the bottom of the previously drawn oval.
- Depict the top of the lemon.
At the top of the oval, you drew in the first step, add a small curved line.
- Draw the lemon stem.
Above the previously drawn top of the lemon add a stem using curved lines and a small oval.
- Start drawing the lemon leaf.
From the previously drawn stem draw a curved line.
- Continue to draw the lemon leaf.
Draw two symmetrical curved lines to the right and left of the previously drawn line.
- Add the decorative elements.
Using thin lines add veins on the leaf and depict dots and short curved lines on the lemon.
- Erase unnecessary lines.
Use an eraser to remove auxiliary lines that appeared during the drawing process.
- Color the drawing.
To color this lemon, use yellow and shades of green.
So, you have learned how to draw a beautiful lemon step by step. Write in the comments about your impressions of this lesson. For your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file in which you can find a short version of this drawing lesson and additional useful materials.