How to Draw an Octopus
Let’s continue developing sea creature illustration skills by learning how to draw an octopus using my three unique drawing methods.

How to Draw an Octopus: Introduction
In this tutorial, I’ll show how to draw an octopus in really simple ways. First, we will draw this sea creature using a simple but detailed method. Then, we will get familiar with two more simplified techniques, which consist of fewer steps and more basic shapes.
These methods will demonstrate that any creature can be drawn in many ways and styles. As different well-known artists draw the same things in their distinct ways, you can find your own style by trying different styles using this simple octopus as an example.
But regardless of the style and method of drawing the octopus, the basic shapes and forms should remain recognizable. The octopus has a large bulbous head and eight long tentacles. But of course, from the front, we can see only part of these eight tentacles, so keep that in mind.
Also, keep in mind that I demonstrate the basic way to draw an octopus, which is drawn in a cartoon style. You can change particular parts of the drawing while following the tutorial. For example, you can make the octopus look less like a cartoon or add some additional details to make it look more realistic.
Octopus Drawing Tutorial
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 25 minutes
How to Draw an Octopus
- Draw the octopus head.
Start by drawing a large, smooth circle near the top of your paper. This will serve as the head of your octopus. You can use a compass or trace around a round object to get a perfect shape, but a freehand circle works just as well.
- Add the first two tentacles.
Now, start adding the first two tentacles at the bottom of the head. These tentacles should be slightly curved and taper towards the ends. Don’t try to make the tentacles too symmetrical and identical. They should vary in direction to look more natural.
- Add the third tentacle.
To make your octopus drawing more recognizable, add another tentacle to the side of the head. This tentacle should follow a similar curving pattern as the first two. Since the octopus’s tentacles move freely, you can make this tentacle curve in a slightly different direction to create a more natural look.
- Draw the fourth octopus tentacle.
Next, draw the fourth tentacle on the opposite side of the head to balance the composition. Like the previous ones, this tentacle should be slightly curved and flowing naturally. Variation in the curve makes the octopus drawing look more organic and less rigid.
- Add the fifth tentacle.
Now, add the fifth tentacle, extending from the opposite side of the head. This tentacle should appear slightly behind the others, showing the octopus’s full shape. By slightly overlapping some of the previous tentacles, you make the octopus look more three-dimensional.
- Sketch the sixth tentacle.
At this stage, add the sixth tentacle on the opposite side, to give your octopus drawing look really dimensional. Avoid making all the tentacles identical in curve and length – slight differences make your octopus drawing look more natural.
- Illustrate the facial features.
Now that the tentacles are complete, it’s time to add facial features to make your octopus drawing look more cute. Sketch two small, round eyes near the upper part of the head. Below the eyes, draw a simple curved line for the mouth.
- Finalize the outline of the sketch.
Smooth out the lines and erase any unnecessary marks. Check that all the lines are clean and that the overall shape of the octopus looks natural. If you want to add extra details to your octopus drawing, you can sketch some small circles or suction cups along the tentacles to make the sketch look more realistic.
- Add color to the octopus drawing.
Use a soft purple or any other preferred color for the body. You can apply shading if you want to give it more realism. For the eyes of the octopus, fill them with black and leave small white highlights to make them look shiny and lively.
Additional Content
You can download a free PDF version of this tutorial on drawing an octopus. It provides a concise, easy-to-follow format that serves as a handy reference for practice anytime, whether at home or outdoors.
How to Draw an Octopus: Alternative Techniques
In addition to the primary drawing tutorial, I’ve developed several alternative techniques for sketching an octopus, offering you a variety of approaches to practice and enhance your artistic skills.
These alternatives are designed to challenge you in new and exciting ways, ensuring that with each session, your abilities are sharpened, and your confidence grows. It’s a great way to explore different artistic angles and find the style that resonates with you.
Simple Octopus Drawing Tutorial
This method simplifies the process of drawing an octopus by reducing the number of steps and focusing on basic shapes. The most noticeable feature is the rounded head with a minimalistic face. Unlike the first tutorial, this one uses fewer curves in the tentacles and omits additional details, keeping the overall design more stylized and simple. The facial features are introduced early in the process rather than toward the end.
Start this guide on how to draw an octopus with a large round shape for the head. Keep the outline smooth and even. Add two small circles for the eyes and a simple curved line for the mouth. Draw two small blush marks on the cheeks for extra detail.
Begin adding the tentacles by sketching two curved shapes extending from the bottom of the head. Continue drawing more tentacles, making sure they curve in different directions while keeping their shapes simple. Add additional tentacles on the opposite side to complete the symmetrical look. Finally, color the octopus drawing using a light shade.

How to Draw an Octopus for Preschoolers
This tutorial focuses on drawing an octopus in the simplest way possible, using just four steps. The key differences from the previous methods include fewer tentacles, a more rounded and uniform shape, and a minimalistic approach to facial features.
The tentacles are drawn as basic curved lines without much variation in shape or direction. The entire octopus is completed quickly with only basic details.
Start by drawing a large circle for the octopus head. Make sure it is smooth and even. Next, add two small circles for the eyes and a curved line for the mouth, keeping the features simple. Then, draw the tentacles by sketching short, rounded curves extending from the lower part of the head. Finally, clean up the drawing and add color, using a light shade.

Did you replicate all the details exactly as I showed in this tutorial on how to draw an octopus, or did you modify some parts to create a more unique sketch? Did you try all three tutorials, or did you choose just one and focus on it? Let me know in the comments on this article. I’m very interested in your feedback, as it helps shape future content on my site and improves existing articles.
For more variety, visit other categories on my site to learn how to draw a cat and other animals. Or, if you want to continue the sea and ocean theme, try drawing a ship using a simple step-by-step tutorial. Or visit my wave drawing tutorial to learn drawing seas and oceans.
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