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How to Draw Mario

Welcome to a creative session where I’ll be guiding you on how to draw Mario, the beloved mustachioed hero from our favorite video games. I’ve designed this tutorial with the intent to simplify the complexities of character drawing, making it accessible for all aspiring artists. You’ll find joy in crafting his iconic features step by step.

How to draw Mario
How to draw Mario step by step

How to Draw Mario: Basic Information

Hello, fellow artists! Today, I’m eager to present a fun and easy-to-follow guide on how to draw Mario, the world-famous, plucky plumber from the Mushroom Kingdom. I’ve crafted this tutorial to help you step by step, making sure that by the end, Mario jumps right off your page in all his cartoon glory.

This depiction of Mario breaks down his iconic features into simple shapes and lines for a friendly and approachable drawing experience. You’ll notice we start with a basic circle for his head, adding in those immediately recognizable traits – his cap, mustache, and cheerful smile – in a way that’s easy for anyone to recreate.

By the time we reach the final steps to draw Mario, you’ll see how simple shapes come together to form a complete, vibrant character. My method is about making drawing less daunting and more enjoyable, ensuring that by the end of this lesson, you’ll be ready to tackle more characters with confidence and creative spirit.

Mario Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 35 minutes

How to Draw Mario

  1. Sketch out the head.

    Sketch it as a simple oval like in my example.
    How to draw for kids

  2. Add the facial details.

    Draw the large, round nose, lush mustache, mouth, and ear.
    Mario sketch

  3. Add the eyes and hat.

    First, draw the oval eyes, then the hat, and the sideburn.
    Mario art

  4. Sketch the torso.

    Depict this part of the body as an oval, about the size of the head.
    How to sketch Mario

  5. Draw the arms.

    First of all, outline the upper parts of the arms, then the palms, clenched into fists.
    Learn how to draw Mario easy

  6. Draw the legs.

    Note that here we do not see the tops of the legs, we only see the feet.
    Mario drawing lesson

  7. Add some details.

    Draw the belts and buttons on the torso, and add the letter M to the cap.
    Mario drawing tutorial

  8. Erase the guidelines.

    Do this without touching any important lines in the sketch. After that, you can trace the drawing with dark lines.
    How to draw Mario for kids

  9. Color the drawing.

    Use red, brown, blue, yellow, and skin color to paint Mario.
    How to draw Mario

How to Draw Mario: Video Tutorial

Additional Content

For those eager to perfect their Mario sketches, I’ve crafted a comprehensive PDF file that’s yours to download free of charge. This digital booklet is structured as a concise version of our drawing lesson, allowing for practice and review without the need for an internet connection, perfect for on-the-go learning.

While this PDF forgoes the detailed steps and tips found online, it is rich with supplementary exercises. These are designed to reinforce and build upon your foundational knowledge, challenging you to refine your skills and encouraging further growth in character illustration long after you’ve mastered the basics.

Consider this PDF an extension of our classroom – a portable tutor, if you will. It stands ready to assist you in elevating your artistic capabilities, with exercises tailored to enhance your fluency in the visual language of character drawing. So keep it handy, and let it guide you towards drawing Mario and his companions with increasing finesse and joy.

Top Errors When Sketching Mario

Upon reflecting on our artistic journey to draw Mario, it’s important to recognize that the path to mastery is often paved with learning from our missteps. In the spirit of growth and development, I’d like to share some common mistakes encountered during this lesson.

  • Overlooking Proportions: One of the key challenges is getting Mario’s proportions right. His iconic look is dependent on the balance between his head size and body, with his head often being larger in comparison to his body, which is a hallmark of his character design.
  • Misplacing Facial Features: Another frequent slip-up is inaccurately placing Mario’s eyes, nose, and mustache, which are crucial for capturing his recognizable expression. Ensuring these elements are correctly aligned and proportioned is vital.
  • Ignoring the Details: Details like the M on Mario’s cap, the buttons on his overalls, and the style of his gloves and shoes add to his authenticity. Missing these finer points can detract from the overall effect.
  • Flat Coloring: Mario’s vibrant costume is another area where attention is required. Flat or incorrect coloring can diminish the dynamic look that is synonymous with Mario. Layering and blending the right shades can bring him to life.

In closing, these common stumbling blocks serve not as deterrents but as stepping stones to improvement. Each drawing session is an opportunity to refine your technique and bring your creative visions to life with greater accuracy and expression. Every artist was once a beginner, and every masterpiece began as a simple sketch.

Comprehensive FAQs for Improvement

As we wrap up our journey on how to draw Mario, you might find yourself with questions still lingering, like puzzle pieces waiting to find their place. To help complete the picture, I’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that may mirror your own curiosities.

  • How can I make Mario’s mustache look more natural? Focus on the shape and volume. Start with a light sketch, then add thickness gradually, ensuring it curves naturally around his nose.
  • What’s the best way to color Mario’s outfit without it looking flat? Use shades and tints. For his red hat and shirt, add darker shades beneath and around the edges for depth, and lighter tints where the light naturally hits.
  • How can I improve the overall look of my drawing? Practice drawing from references first, then try without. Also, pay attention to the details that make Mario unique, like his gloves and boots.
  • Can I add my own style to Mario while keeping him recognizable? Absolutely! Once you’re comfortable with the basics, experiment with different expressions, poses, or even outfits. Mario’s iconic features will maintain his recognizability.

As we close the book on this lesson, remember that every question you ask and every answer you seek propels you further on your artistic journey. These FAQs are not just answers but signposts guiding you to greater understanding and mastery of your craft.


Concluding our tutorial on how to draw Mario, I encourage you to dive deeper into the world of art on my website. You’ll find a wealth of tutorials ranging from drawing a loving portrayal of a mother to the intricate details of a pen. Each guide is crafted to further your artistic journey, offering new challenges and insights.

I invite you to follow my social media channels to stay updated on the latest tutorials and to become part of our vibrant creative community. Your feedback and suggestions for future tutorials are incredibly valuable, so please don’t hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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