How to Draw Morpheus
Let’s practice drawing movie characters by learning how to draw Morpheus, one of the main characters in the Matrix movie trilogy.

How to Draw Morpheus: Introduction
The Matrix trilogy is one of the most well-known series in the history of cinema, and many people may want to learn how to draw characters from these films.
This lesson provides an opportunity to learn how to draw Morpheus, one of the central characters from the Matrix trilogy, in a simplified and recognizable style. We’ve used a similar style in the past to draw Superman and other beloved heroes and villains.
The lesson will follow the typical approach for drawing characters from films or other works of art. It will focus on identifying and highlighting Morpheus’s most distinctive features while simplifying and altering the overall style.
Key elements associated with Morpheus include his bald head, round glasses, black clothing, green tie, and long black coat. These details, even when drawn simply, will make the Morpheus drawing instantly recognizable. Additional details, such as a gun or katana, can further enhance the drawing’s distinctiveness.
Morpheus Drawing Tutorial
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 45 minutes
How to Draw Morpheus
- Sketch the head and torso of Morpheus.
Begin this tutorial on how to draw Morpheus by sketching the base shapes. Draw an oval for the head and add a smaller oval beneath it to represent the torso. The shapes should overlap slightly at the neck area. Keep the lines of the head and torso light and simple.
- Add the glasses, nose, and mouth.
To draw then glasses of Morpheus two circles within the head shape, placing them in the upper portion. Add a short horizontal line between the circles to represent the bridge of the glasses. After that, draw the short nose and mouth with curved line.
- Draw the coat of Morpheus.
To continue drawing Morpheus, sketch his long coat. Start drawing the coat by adding a triangular collar on both sides of the torso. Extend two long rectangles from the collar downward to create the coat flaps. Make sure the left and right parts of the coat are symmetrical.
- Outline the arms and hands.
Add the arms to Morpheus’s drawing by extending lines outward from the torso. Sketch the sleeves as straight rectangles. At the ends of the sleeves, draw simple fist shapes to represent his hands. To make your Morpheus drawing more unique, you can add some weapons to his hands.
- Draw Morpheus’s eyebrows and ears.
Now, draw the eyebrows of the character as two small ovals. Next, add semi-circle shapes on both sides of the head to represent his ears of Morpheus. To make the ears look more realistic, add small short lines inside them to indicate the inner structure.
- Add the collar, tie, and belt.
First, draw the collar of Morpheus’s shirt using two small and symmetrical triangles below the chin. After that, draw a small triangle shape beneath the collar to represent the tie. Below that, sketch a narrow rectangle across the torso to indicate the belt.
- Sketch the legs and feet.
Extend two straight lines downward from the coat to form the legs of Morpheus. Add small oval shapes at the bottom of the legs to represent his feet. To make the legs and shoes look more detailed you can add holsters, straps and laces.
- Finalize the drawing.
Refine your Morpheus drawing by carefully erasing any unnecessary guidelines and smoothing out rough shapes. Go over the important lines, such as the outline of the head, coat, and glasses, to darken and define them. Make your Morpheus drawing ready to coloring.
- Color the drawing of Morpheus.
Use dark brown for his skin and black for the coat and clothing. Color the tie green, as it’s an essential detail of Morpheus’s outfit. Add shading to the glasses to create their reflective appearance, and make the lenses darker to match their iconic look.
How to Draw Backgrounds for Morpheus
A background of cascading green digital code can be added to highlight the Matrix theme. To create this effect, use vertical lines filled with random numbers, letters, and symbols in varying shades of green.
A cityscape at night works well to reflect the futuristic atmosphere of the Matrix. Begin by drawing a series of tall, rectangular shapes to represent skyscrapers. Add small squares and rectangles within the buildings to depict lit windows. Use darker shades for the buildings and lighter tones for the sky.
Depicting the interiors of the Nebuchadnezzar provides a high-tech and mechanical backdrop. Draw pipes, wires, and panels running across the background in organized yet chaotic patterns. Add glowing monitors with data and simple geometric shapes to resemble futuristic equipment.
A barren landscape of destroyed buildings and crumbling infrastructure can serve as the Desert of the Real. Start by sketching jagged, broken structures with visible cracks and missing sections. Add piles of rubble and scattered debris to illustrate the desolate look.
A skyscraper rooftop can create an intense setting. Sketch the edges of the rooftop with railings or vents for detail. Below, add outlines of buildings, keeping them slightly blurred.
The lesson on how to draw Morpheus is now complete, and you have learned how to depict one of the most iconic characters from cinema. If you found this lesson helpful and it met your expectations, feel free to share it with your friends and leave your feedback in the comments.
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