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How to Draw a Baby Animal

In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a baby animal for kids. This instruction consists of nine very easy lessons.

cute baby animals drawing easy
how to draw a baby animal step by step

In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a baby animal. I am sure that you will easily complete this task thanks to accessible instructions. Drawing animals is always interesting and you will definitely enjoy this step-by-step guide.

Here it is shown in detail how to draw a baby animal. In the picture you see a baby elephant standing on all four legs with its trunk up. This drawing is made in cartoon style and looks very cute. Surely you have seen such an animal in cartoons or in pictures of children’s books.

The baby elephant has a rounded shape. The head smoothly merges into the body, the legs are very short. The ear is large and occupies most of the body.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 20 minutes

How to Draw a Baby Animal

  1. Draw the head.

    Depict an even oval.how to draw baby animals easy

  2. Depict the torso.

    On the right side, add one large semi-oval using a smooth, rounded line.how to draw a cute baby animal

  3. Sketch out the trunk.

    On the left side of the oval, draw the raised trunk up.how to draw baby animals realistic

  4. Add the eye.

    To do this, draw a small oval.how to draw realistic baby animals

  5. Draw the front leg.

    With the help of a smooth curved line depict the short wide leg.how to draw cute baby animal pictures

  6. Depict the back of the torso, leg, and tail.

    Draw a smooth line to depict the back leg. Sketch out the small tassel tail.baby animal drawings realistic

  7. Add the ear.

    Depict two smooth rounded lines in the middle of the body.baby animal drawings art

  8. Correct inaccuracies.

    Remove all extra lines with the eraser.baby animals cute drawing

  9. Color the baby animal.

    Choose shades of grey, pink and black. Add black to the eyes.cute baby animals drawing easy

The baby animal is ready! I hope you have a great drawing and you are proud of yourself. For your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file with a short version of the lesson in advance. Download the file so you can return to the lesson if necessary.

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