How to Draw a Baby Penguin
In this lesson, I will tell you how to draw a baby penguin. This lesson is going to be very simple, and it only consists of seven steps.

I am glad to offer you this wonderful drawing lesson in which you will learn how to draw a baby penguin step by step. Surely you know that the ability to draw various birds and animals is very important for any artist.
By learning how to draw a baby penguin with this step-by-step instruction, you will be able to depict it against the backdrop of nature. This drawing lesson does not contain any difficult elements to complete, so it is easy for any aspiring artist or child to master it.
Penguins are one of the most ancient birds on Earth. These are flightless birds, and their body has a large muscle mass. Penguins are excellent swimmers. Due to their dense plumage and fat layer, penguins do not get wet in the water and do not freeze. Their wings in the process of evolution have changed into flippers, and the bones that form the skeleton have become flat.
The black color of the back of the penguins helps to attract even slight solar heat, which allows them to keep warm even in such a cold Antarctic. Slightly grown penguin babies go to groups of birds, where they are watched by several adult penguins, who are ready to protect the babies in case of any danger. At this time, their parents go to the sea to hunt.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Baby Penguin
- Draw the outlines of the torso of the baby penguin.
To complete this step, you need to draw one shape that looks like a slightly deformed oval.
- Add the facial features of the baby penguin.
Inside the drawn shape, draw two small ovals, as well as a figure that looks like a triangle.
- Add elements inside the outline of the penguin’s torso.
To depict the outlines of the head and belly of the baby penguin, draw one long, curved line.
- Depict the upper limbs of the baby penguin.
From the rim and left sides of the drawn torso of the baby penguin, draw two curved lines.
- Sketch out the outlines of the lower limbs.
At the bottom of the previously drawn torso, add two similar shapes using curved lines.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Before you color this drawing, you should remove the extra elements with the eraser.
- Color the drawing.
To color the baby penguin, use black and yellow. Don’t forget to add highlights.
For your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file in which you can find a short version of this tutorial and additional useful materials for completing it. Download this file to return to the lesson at any time.