How to Draw a Cat and Dog
I suggest you complete an interesting lesson in which you will learn how to draw a cat and a dog. I promise the instructions will be helpful.

Thank you for being interested in our animal drawing lessons, and now I will show you how to draw a cat and a dog. Undoubtedly, this lesson will be useful for you, because here you will learn how to draw two pets at once.
There is an opinion that a cat and a dog do not get along with each other and are constantly at enmity. However, there are cases that indicate otherwise. Probably, you are also familiar with the situation when a cat and a dog live peacefully in the same house.
The figure shows just such animals. You see that the animals are standing nearby, smiling and feeling comfortable. You have to draw these animals at the same time, first you will draw the main outline, and then you will add details.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Cat and Dog
- Draw the heads of the animals.
Depict two circles. The dog’s head being larger and slightly higher.
- Add the torsos of the animals.
Draw smooth rounded lines from each head to depict the torsos.
- Sketch out the ears.
The dog’s ears are rounded and hang down freely. The cat’s ears are pointed.
- Add elements of the muzzle.
Draw the eyes, nose and mouth for each animal. Try to put smiles on the faces of the animals.
- Depict the front paws.
The front paws are rounded and located side by side.
- Add the hind paws.
With smooth lines, depict the hind paws in the same position as shown in the example.
- Sketch out the tails.
The cat has a long, narrow tail that is turned up. The dog’s tail has separate spiky strands.
- Correct inaccuracies.
With the eraser, carefully remove all extra lines.
- Color the animals.
Use light gray for the cat and beige for the dog.
By tradition, at the end of the lesson, a link is available for you to download a short version of the guide as a PDF file for free. Save this file and use it whenever you want to be creative.
This is so cute