How to Draw a Comet
In this lesson, I will tell you how to draw a comet. This drawing lesson will be very simple, and it consists of only five steps.

So, I am glad to bring to your attention this wonderful drawing lesson, in which I will tell and show you how to draw a comet step by step. This is another fascinating drawing lesson, which is dedicated to the image of various space bodies.
Surely each of you has ever seen a comet in any books, films, or cartoons. By learning how to draw a comet with this easy tutorial, you will be able to draw this object if you want to draw space, planets, spaceships, or an astronaut in outer space.
Comets are large cosmic objects composed of frozen gases, rocks, and dust that, along with the rest of the celestial bodies in the solar system, revolve around a star. They were formed after complex processes during which the planets and the Sun were born.
You can now prepare art materials that you will use to draw a comet. If you are ready, then proceed with this lesson, carefully following these instructions. I am sure that you will do an excellent work with this work, and it will not cause you any difficulties.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 30 minutes
How to Draw a Comet
- Draw the outline of the stone.
To depict the stone, you should draw a figure that looks like a circle with a slightly jagged edge.
- Depict the fire near the stone.
Below the previously drawn stone, draw one curved line to draw part of the fiery shell.
- Finish drawing the fire.
Now you need to add pointed flames above the painted stone using curved lines.
- Sketch out the craters on the rock.
Inside the drawn outline of the stone, add many circles of different sizes, as shown in the image.
- Color the drawing.
To color the comet, you should use red, orange, yellow, and shades of brown.
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