How to Draw a Cowboy Hat
In this lesson you will learn how to draw a cowboy hat. I think this drawing lesson will be fun for you.

I am pleased to offer you an interesting and fascinating tutorial on how to draw a cowboy hat. I created this lesson especially for beginner artists who still have little drawing experience, as well as for children. So there are no elements in this lesson that are too difficult to draw.
The cowboy hat is a high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat best known as the defining piece of attire for the North American cowboy. Modern cowboy hats are made of fur-based felt, straw, or, less often, leather. They feature a tall, rounded crown and a wide, flat brim. They have a simple elastic band on the inside to stabilize the fit of the head and usually a small decorative hat band on the outside of the crown. Hats are customized by creasing the crown and rolling the brim. Often a more decorative hat band is added.
You can start drawing a cowboy hat right now.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 20 minutes
How to Draw a Cowboy Hat
- Start drawing the brim of the hat.
To complete this simple step, you only have to draw one curved line.
- Add the bottom part of the hat brim.
To do this, continue the previously drawn line with a rounded line.
- Draw the outline of the hat’s brim on the left side.
Elongate the line drawn in the first step with another curved rounded line.
- Add another outline of the bottom part of the brim.
Connect the lines you drew in the second and previous step by using the curved line.
- Start drawing the top of the cowboy hat.
Depict the element on the left side represented as a curved line.
- Complete the top outline of the hat.
To do this step, draw a curved line on the right side at the top of the hat.
- Picture the ribbon on the cowboy hat.
In the middle of the hat add two curved lines of different lengths.
- Make the hat look voluminous.
To make the hat look more realistic, add a short curved line at the top of it.
- Color the drawing.
To color this cowboy hat, you should use different shades of brown.
Now you know how to draw a cowboy hat step by step. Write in the comments about your impressions of this drawing lesson, and don’t forget to subscribe to us on social media. Traditionally, I have prepared a short PDF version of this guide for you. Download the file and take drawing lessons at any convenient time.