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How to Draw a Fox Face

Learn how to draw a fox face with my guide, providing two distinct methods to sketch this endearing creature accurately. I’ll walk you through each feature, from the soft muzzle to the perky ears, ensuring your drawing captures the fox’s spirit with ease. Suitable for all ages, this tutorial is crafted for simplicity and success.

how to draw a fox cartoon face
how to draw a fox face step by step

How to Draw a Fox Face: Basic Information

Embracing the playful spirit of the wild, I’ll show you how to draw a fox face with steps so simple, anyone can follow. This tutorial is your gateway to capturing the cunning and charm of the fox with just a pencil and paper. By breaking down the face into easy shapes, this method is accessible and fun.

This illustration focuses on the fox‘s distinctive features – the pointed ears, round eyes, and fluffy cheeks. Each step is designed to build upon the previous, ensuring that your fox not only looks adorable but also anatomically fitting. It’s a delightful way to bring the essence of the fox to life.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to draw a fox face with confidence and a bit of your own creative flair. It’s about more than drawing; it’s about learning to see the beauty in every line and shade. Let’s begin this artistic journey together, and soon you’ll have a fox that’s not just a drawing, but a story waiting to be told.

Fox Face Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw a Fox Face

  1. Draw the top outline of the head.

    Sketch out a smooth, rounded line.how to draw a fox face easy

  2. Add the bottom outline of the head.

    With the help of short strokes, depict fluffy fur around the edges.how to draw a fox face realistic

  3. Depict the bottom of the face.

    Draw a smooth, rounded line at the bottom.how to draw a fox face for kids

  4. Add the eyes and nose.

    Draw three even ovals in the same position as in the example.how to draw a fox face for beginners

  5. Detail the lower part of the face.

    Draw the contour where the color of the fur will be different. Add the mouth using rounded lines.how to draw a fox face for kindergarten

  6. Sketch out the ears.

    Add two ears that are spiky.how to draw a realistic fox face step by step

  7. Depict the inside of the ear.

    Using smooth lines, add the outline inside each ear.how to draw a cute fox face

  8. Color the drawing.

    You will need orange, gray and black.how to draw a fox cartoon face

Additional Content

For continuous artistic practice, a free PDF file is available for this fox face drawing lesson. It’s a brief, yet comprehensive version, allowing for practice even without an internet connection.

This PDF is designed to be user-friendly, focusing on the essential steps, and can be printed or viewed on any device, making it perfect for practice on the go or as a handy guide during offline art sessions.

Alternative Drawing Technique

Understanding the importance of practice in art, I’ve developed another approach to sketching a fox face. This alternative technique breaks down the drawing process into even simpler segments, encouraging you to practice more and perfect your ability to capture the unique characteristics of a fox.

How to Draw a Fox Face with Closed Eyes

In this alternative method, I’ll demonstrate how to draw a fox’s face with its eyes gently closed. This approach adds a serene or content expression to the fox, capturing a moment of tranquility in the wild.

It’s a simple yet evocative variation that can bring a different character to your artwork, and it’s quite suitable for those who are just starting out or for a calming art session with young learners.

Tips for Drawing an Impeccable Fox Face

As we put the finishing touches on our fox faces, let’s reflect on how we can continue to grow and refine our drawing abilities. Here’s a list of tips to help you on your artistic journey:

  • Study Real Foxes: Spend time observing the shapes and expressions of real foxes to enhance your drawings’ realism and charm.
  • Play with Expressions: Try altering your fox’s expression by adjusting the shape of the eyes and mouth to convey different emotions.
  • Experiment with Textures: Use different strokes to create the fluffy texture of the fox’s fur, giving your drawing a tactile quality.
  • Practice Proportions: Pay attention to the size relationship between the head, ears, and facial features for a well-balanced face.

Drawing is a skill that blossoms with time and patience. Keep these tips in your artist’s toolbox, and revisit them whenever you start a new piece. So take these tips, draw with joy, and watch as your fox faces, and all your future creations, come to life with character and style.


You’ve just completed the fox face drawing, and I’m so proud of your fantastic work! If you’re excited to draw even more, hop over to my website where a world of drawing lessons awaits you. Want to learn how to draw a nose or create your very own superhero? It’s all there!

Make sure to follow my social media so you don’t miss out on any new and thrilling drawing adventures. And if there’s something specific you want to learn how to draw next, just leave a comment below. I love hearing your ideas and can’t wait to see what we draw next together!

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