How to Draw a Poinsettia
The lesson on how to draw a poinsettia was created especially for children and novice artists, so you can easily master it.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to draw a poinsettia step by step. I am sure that while drawing such a beautiful flower you will have a festive mood.
I think you have ever seen poinsettia in your life. This lovely flower is grown as an ornamental houseplant. It is often customary to decorate the interior with this flower on the eve of the Christmas holidays. Poinsettia is also called the “Christmas star“.
Now I suggest you draw this plant, following this easy step-by-step instruction.
- Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Coloring supplies
Time needed: 25 minutes
How to Draw a Poinsettia
- Draw the inflorescences.
You can depict this with many of the same small circles.
- Add petals.
At the top and bottom of the drawn circles, draw two petals, pointed to the edge.
- Depict two more petals.
Place these petals next to each other. One of them looks a little smaller than the second.
- Sketch out two more petals.
Draw one petal on the left side and the other on the right.
- Add the petals at the bottom of the flower.
In this step, depict two pointed petals using curved lines.
- Depict the few more petals.
Two petals are located next to each other at the top, and the third at the bottom of the flower.
- Add more petals.
Depict them around the edges. These petals are partially covered by the petals painted earlier.
- Sketch out leaves and veins on the petals.
Draw pointed leaves on the left and right sides of the flower, and add veins using curved lines.
- Color the drawing.
Use red for the petals, yellow for the flowers, and green for the leaves.
Now you know how to draw a poinsettia step by step. I have prepared a PDF file for you with a short version of this tutorial. After downloading this file, you can return to the lesson at any time, even without an Internet connection.