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How to Draw a Spear

Today we will learn how to draw a spear – a thing that, since ancient times, has been one of the most basic tools that helped a person defend against enemies and get food for himself.

how to draw a spear for kids
how to draw a spear

How to Draw a Spear: Basic Information

Spears were one of the first weapons in the world, they appeared much earlier than swords, shields, and helmets.

Spears can come in many different types and shapes, and this lesson on how to draw a spear will help you learn how to create any type of this instrument on paper.

The spear consists of a shaft and a tip. Below I will show you a step-by-step method of drawing a spear, where we will first draw the shaft, then move to the tip, and finally color the finished drawing.

Step-by-Step Spear Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw a Spear

  1. Draw the first line of the shaft.

    A spear consists of a shaft and a tip. To draw a spear, you should first draw the shaft. Drawing a straight, long line is one of the most important skills for any artist, so try to make it as straight as possible.
    drawing the shaft of the spear

  2. Draw the secon line of the shaft.

    Now, right under the first line, draw another one of the same. This line should exactly repeat the previous one in size and be perfectly parallel to it.
    drawing the second line of the shaft

  3. Add the tip socket.

    The tip socket is the part that connects the tip to the spear shaft. This part is often tied with rope for maximum strength. Repeat this effect using perpendicular lines.
    add the socket

  4. Draw the tip of the spear.

    Draw the outline of the tip by drawing two lines from the spear shaft, which first move slightly away from each other and then connect at an acute angle. In the middle, draw a straight line dividing this geometric figure into two equal triangles.
    drawing the tip of the spear

  5. Check your spear drawing.

    The lines on your spear drawing should be straight and clear. If some lines seem not straight enough to you, correct them. In addition, in this step you can add some details, such as hanging feathers at the junction of the shaft and the tip.
    checking the spear drawing

  6. Color your spear drawing.

    Now is the time to spice up your spear drawing by adding some bright colors. Since the shaft of a spear is most often made of wood, use some shade of brown to color this part. The tip is most often made of metal, so use a blue-gray tint for this part of the spear.
    how to draw a spear for kids

Additional Materials

And of course, the PDF version of this drawing lesson. In addition to the tutorial itself, you will find a coloring page, tracing worksheet, and grid drawing worksheet.

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