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How to Draw a Barrel

In this lesson, I’m excited to show you how to draw a barrel, breaking down a seemingly complex form into simple, approachable steps. We’ll start with the basic shapes that form the foundation of the barrel, focusing on getting those initial curves just right. This method builds confidence, guiding you through each step towards a complete barrel.

how to draw a barrel
How to draw a barrel

How to Draw a Barrel: Basic Information

Starting with the vision of making complex subjects approachable for budding artists, I developed this lesson on how to draw a barrel. It begins with basic geometric shapes to form a solid foundation, then builds upon this with curved lines and subtle shading to capture the barrel’s sturdy form.

In the heart of this tutorial is a step-by-step progression that breaks down the barrel into easy-to-draw segments. The key is to start with one straight vertical line for stability and then add ellipses to form the top and bottom. This method ensures that the essence of the barrel’s structure is captured before moving on to details.

By the time you reach the concluding steps and add the finishing touches, you’ll see how simple lines and shapes coalesce into a detailed barrel drawing. The beauty of this technique lies in its simplicity and the fact that it encourages precision and attention to detail. By learning to draw a barrel, you gain skills that apply to various forms of cylindrical drawing.

Barrel Drawing Tutorial


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies (different shades of brown)

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw a Barrel

  1. Draw the central axis line for the barrel.

    Begin with a simple vertical line drawn from top to bottom. This line will serve as the central axis and guide for your barrel, ensuring symmetry in your drawing. Make sure the line is straight and placed in the center of your drawing area to provide a balanced reference for the subsequent steps.
    drawing the central line for the barrel

  2. Draw the top of the barrel.

    At the top end of the vertical line, draw a horizontal oval shape. This represents the top opening of the barrel. The oval should be aligned symmetrically around the central vertical line and should be of moderate thickness, not too thin or too thick, to indicate the lip of the barrel.

    drawing the top of the barrel

  3. Draw the bottom of the barrel.

    Below the first oval, and spaced evenly, draw a second, slightly wider oval. This will create the illusion of the barrel’s bottom. In my example, the lower part of the barrel is slightly wider than the top; such barrels can often be found in different parts of the world. But you can draw the bottom and top ovals the same size.
    Illustrate the bottom surface.

  4. Add the side lines.

    Connect the top and bottom ovals with two slightly curved lines on each side of the vertical line. These lines should bow outward, mimicking the shape of a barrel, and should be smooth to create a natural wooden barrel look. This completes the basic outline of the barrel’s body.

    Drawing the sides of the barrel

  5. Erase the guidelines and check the drawing.

    Now, refine the outline of the barrel by smoothing the curves and making sure the sides are symmetrical. This stage involves adjusting any uneven curves or bumps to create a more polished and realistic barrel shape. The top and bottom ovals should be well-aligned and the body of the barrel should have a consistent curvature.
    Erasing the guidelines

  6. Add the lines of the wooden stives.

    Inside the barrel’s outline, draw vertical lines spaced evenly apart from top to bottom oval. These lines represent the wooden staves that make up the barrel’s structure. Ensure the lines are parallel and equally spaced to maintain a realistic look, and that they slightly follow the curvature of the barrel.
    Adding the lines of the staves

  7. Draw the hoops on the barrel.

    Add horizontal bands, known as hoops, around the barrel. Draw two bands near the top and bottom of the barrel and possibly one in the middle, depending on the barrel’s design. These bands should curve around the barrel’s body and appear tighter near the edges to depict the tension that holds the staves together.
    adding the hoops

  8. Color the barrel drawing.

    Shade and color the barrel to give it a three-dimensional appearance. Use different brown tones to represent wood, and a darker color like black or charcoal for the hoops. You can add shades, light and shadow to make your barrel drawing look more lifelike. You can also depict the texture of wood on the staves.
    Coloring the barrel drawing

Additional Content

To support your ongoing learning, I have crafted a free PDF that complements this lesson. It’s designed for easy access, allowing you to continue your artistic development anywhere, even when you’re offline. This PDF serves as a next step in honing your drawing skills.

Inside the PDF, you’ll find a collection of advanced materials, carefully selected to build upon what you’ve learned in the main lesson. These resources are designed to help you further by developing your ability to see and visualize finer details, ideal for artists who are ready to improve their techniques.

This extra content provides a thorough exploration into the artistic process, offering practice and a pathway to mastering the art of drawing. It’s tailored to help you refine your technique and grow in confidence, ensuring you continue to develop long after completing the initial steps.

How to Enhance Your Barrel Drawing Abilities

In concluding this lesson, here are some valuable tips and tricks to enhance your drawing skills further. Each suggestion aims to expand your artistic repertoire and refine your approach to capturing details.

When starting to sketch the barrel, consider the perspective. A slightly angled view can add dynamism to your drawing. As you sketch the staves curving around the form, remember that the lines should subtly converge at the edges, creating a realistic look. The curves are the spirit of the barrel’s structure, and getting them just right is key to the overall effect.

Next, pay attention to the texture. Your technique here can breathe life into the wooden surface. Use a variety of pencil strokes to mimic the wood grain; cross-hatching works well for this. Keep in mind the direction of the wood grain – usually vertical, following the barrel’s height, which helps in visualizing its cylindrical shape.

For the hoops, ensure they’re proportional and wrap around the barrel’s bulge accurately. They should look like they’re squeezing the wood, which requires a bit of shading to show that the wood is being pressed. These small details can make a big difference in how authentic your barrel appears.

As for the final touches, shadowing beneath and around the barrel is essential. It grounds the object and gives it weight. Watch where the light falls and which parts should remain bright or fade into the dark. The shadows cast by the hoops can also be quite telling of the light source’s direction and the environment around the barrel.

Lastly, incorporate the barrel into various scenes to practice its interaction with other objects and surroundings. This practice will improve your drawing of a barrel and help you understand its place within a larger composition. Over time, these detailed practices will enhance your skill set, making each barrel you draw unique and full of character.

How to Draw a Barrel: Conclusion

With each stroke of your pencil, you begin to etch shapes and outlines on your artistic process. Don’t let the barrel be your last creation. A spectrum of sketches is waiting for you – the rustic lines of a desert cactus or the soothing curves of a beach scene, for instance. Your pencil holds the power to unlock a myriad of artistic vistas.

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