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How to Draw a Stone

Today, in this lesson, I show you how to draw a stone step by step. I promise that the lesson will be simple.

how to draw a stone for kindergarten
how to draw a stone step by step

Now I will show you how to draw a stone step by step. The guide includes just six easy steps, so you’ll get the job done quickly. This lesson will be useful for you, as well as other lessons presented on this site. You can use the acquired skills in the future when you want to draw any landscape, for example, a mountainous area.

The figure shows how to draw a natural stone. It is a solid rock or a piece of it. The stone can be of any shape and size. I am sure that you can easily draw a natural stone, even if you are a beginner at drawing, because the simplest elements that you can easily repeat will be used here.

As you work, you can use arbitrary lines, and in the end your drawing may be slightly different from my example. You must first draw the outer contour and then draw the relief. It’s very easy to do, and you’ll see for yourself soon.


  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Coloring supplies

Time needed: 25 minutes

How to Draw a Stone

  1. Draw the top outline.

    Sketch out a curved, jagged line.how to draw a stone for kids

  2. Add the sides.

    Continue the lines and add the sides of the stone using the same jagged lines.how to draw a stone for beginners

  3. Depict the bottom of the stone.

    Sketch out an uneven connecting line at the bottom.stone drawing lesson

  4. Detail the surface of the stone.

    At this stage, draw thin, uneven lines at the top.stone drawing guide

  5. Add the rest of the elements.

    Repeat the previous step and add a few more thin lines at the bottom of the stone.stone drawing tutorial

  6. Color the stone.

    For coloring, you can use any shades of gray.how to draw a stone for kindergarten

Especially for your convenience, I have prepared a PDF file with a short version of the lesson. In this file, you will find simplified instructions and additional training materials necessary for the effective implementation of the lesson.

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